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Saturday, March 05, 2016

State Department 'aware' of reports of Syria chemical attacks

State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Wednesday said that Washington was aware of reports that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons in attacks that took place since the beginning of a ceasefire agreement several days ago, reported The Washington Free Beacon.

“We’re aware of their reports, we obviously can’t confirm them at this time,” Toner said in his daily briefing though he condemned the use of chemical weapons regardless.

“You know our policy is we strongly condemn any use of chemical weapons,” he stressed.

More here


  1. It seems as though our government is doing a lot of back peddling these days. We have allowed Russia China the Muslim terrorist groups to just punk us down. They keep crossing the line in the sand and we do nothing

  2. Since we're the one's causing all the trouble and stirring the pot,seems we've crossed the line.

  3. The US government is a totally corrupt and dangerous entity.

  4. John Kerry is covering up waaaaaaayyyyy too much of what's going on over there!

  5. anyone that believes a word these people say about anything needs their head examined

  6. @3:08 that's the point we constantly try to police the world and the people that aren't intimidated by our country's BS any longer continue to push to the brink of WW3


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