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Friday, March 11, 2016

Senator: Record number of unaccompanied minors set to flood southern border

Homeland Security officials are on track to apprehend a record number of unaccompanied minors trying to enter the U.S. from Mexico, the Senate Homeland Security chairman suggested on Tuesday.

From the beginning of the fiscal year, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told the committee, officials have apprehended 23,533 unaccompanied minors trying to cross the border.

"I think we're possibly beyond crisis proportions here," said Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis. "Four months and we're up to 23,000 already… 2014 was a crisis, right now I think we're running ahead of 2014 levels," Johnson added.

"If we maintain this pace, we'll have 77,000 in 2016," he said. The record was set in 2014, when Customs and Border Protection reported a total of 68,541 were apprehended at the border.

The exchange follows a report by the Center for Immigration Studies earlier this week that estimated a record 61 million immigrants and American-born children living in the United States, including 15.7 million doing so illegally.



  1. Solution:
    A fleet of C-130s on standby.
    Stop them at the border, load them up, and fly them back home.

  2. Only a sick person would let their child go anywhere unattended. These are not the people we need in America!

  3. I think an article I read here a few days ago hit the nail on the head. They are afraid that if Trump is elected, the door will close and they will have no chance of getting in. I think they also figure Congress will let them stay as a continuation of the "dreamers" program. Dream on! Enter legally or don't enter at all!

  4. It seems nobody knows that we actually HAVE EXISTING immigration laws that DOES NOT INCLUDE crossing our border, period. Not without proper paperwork, just like Mexico requires from us when entering their country.

    The way the Press puts this crap out, we've never had a policy in place and somehow need "Reform".

    Nothing further from the truth! Look at our Constitution, where it's laid out, then all following immigration laws since.

    You are being "Bamboozled"!

  5. They (kids from the south) should fly to iceland and catch the free gravy train coming in to OC for summer help. They bus them in numbers to the Soc. Security office.

  6. Ok, so they know they're coming. Time to form a border perimeter and send them BACK before they enter this country.


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