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Monday, March 21, 2016

Senate companion bill for 5.3 percent pay raise gets union support

Support for a 5.3 percent pay raise for federal employees is now coming from both chambers of Congress.

Sens. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) have co-sponsored a companion bill this week to the House’s proposal to boost President Barack Obama’s 1.6 percent raise.

“For too long, federal employees have been undervalued and underappreciated. Whenever deficit reduction comes up, their wages are the first to take a hit,” Mikulski said in a statement. “Federal workers need a real pay increase, not just catch-ups trying to make up for years of pay freezes and diet COLAs. The long overdue pay increase in the FAIR Act is exactly what federal workers in Maryland and around our country need. I’m proud to fight on the frontlines on behalf of federal employee pay, just as federal employees work on the frontlines each and every day for the American people.”

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and 32 other congressmen last month proposed the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act. The bill would account for a 3.9 percent raise overall and a 1.4 percent raise in lost locality pay. Connolly introduced a 3.8 percent federal pay raise under the same bill name one year ago, but it didn’t go far.



  1. What a joke!!! Our government is such a conspiracy and the leaking faucet that will bring this country to its demise


  2. Pre-election pandering by Democrats.

    Have a number of relatives who are active or retired Feds. All good people who are credits to their family and community. But all grossly overpaid for what they did.

  3. It is an election year, folks!

  4. Social security recipients did not get a raise and neither did military retirees. How dare they bring this to vote!

  5. 6:23 - you hit the nail on the head!
    60% of them couldn't get the job they currently have - if they were required to be qualified and interview with proper management/leadership!

  6. For the most part fed. workers are under worked & overpaid.

  7. Your "representatives" don't see anything wrong with this idea.

    That's should tell you all you need to know.

    If your company or business was in the financial state that the Federal government is in, there wouldn't be ANY talk of "raises".
    These "representatives" continue to mismanage (CRMINALLY mismanage) our finances and while "we, the people" go to PRISON (or try to figure out how to pay the mortgage on 25 hours a week), they imperially disregard their obligations (and OATHS!!) and take their family to Japan for 2 weeks (on OUR dime).
    Have I mentioned hanging these criminals?
    Keep cheering, while you still can.....


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