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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Romney: I Made 'Big Impact' on Trump in Saturday Races

Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, said Sunday he believes his Thursday speech against Donald Trump hurt the 2016 front-runner after he split Saturday's contests with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"I think I had a big impact," Romney said Sunday on "Meet the Press." "I think a lot of people were surprised by how well Ted Cruz did. He got more delegates than Donald Trump last night. He was ebullient and enthusiastic, and Donald Trump was uncharacteristically low-energy last night. I think he was really surprised."

Trump won in Kentucky and Louisiana, but came in second to Cruz in Kansas and Maine. Maine Gov. Paul LePage endorsed Trump, and the real estate tycoon had been expected to win that state.

Cruz appears to be "emerging right now," Romney said, but added he wouldn't write off Florida Sen. Marco Rubio or Ohio Gov. John Kasich just yet.

"Marco Rubio is very strong in Florida. More recent polls have him within a few points of Donald Trump," he said. "And John Kasich [is] leading in Ohio. So they may be favorite-son candidates or they may emerge down the road being a very strong candidate on their own."


  1. Would someone please tell Romney he is delusional about his influence. No one cares what he thinks

  2. Two Things Could Be TrueMarch 8, 2016 at 10:28 AM

    And visions of sugar plums & fairies danced in their heads. Romney is such a putz. What a schmuck.

  3. The only thing you did was remind us all that you were a loser and now I plan to vote for trump since the establishment is running scared. I think your plan backfired.

  4. I think he has gone off the tracks. He needs help if he thinks he is that important.

  5. Would someone explain why Cruz is an improvement over Trump? At least Trump has shown he'll modify his stance on an issue when faced with new data.

  6. Clinton is loving this... They keep it up and she will win.


  7. Romney had his turn at the plate; went down with his bat on his shoulder. Take a shower, Mitt!

  8. When you have both parties attacking the same guy, I think you've found your man!

  9. Agreed, Eric! All this pomp and circumstance is blathering about nothing.

    Vote for Trump, and we'll have a real President!


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