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Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Now there is a very organized effort to turn this into a national movement

Many of the exact same groups that participated in Occupy Wall Street and helped organize protest rallies in Ferguson and Baltimore are now promising to bring us “the largest civil disobedience actions in a generation”.

I recently wrote about the trouble that radical leftists have caused by attempting to disrupt Trump campaign events, but now there is a very organized effort to turn this into a national movement. On March 19th, thousands of angry protesters will descend on Trump Tower in New York City to denounce Donald Trump’s “fascist policies”, and on April 2nd dozens of leftist organizations will join together to launch “Democracy Spring” in Philadelphia. From there, large numbers of liberal activists will march to Washington D.C. where they will “risk arrest” during a “peaceful” sit-in at the U.S. Capitol from April 11th to April 18th. If the radical left is this freaked out about Donald Trump now, how bad will things get if he actually becomes the Republican nominee?

I suppose that it was only a matter of time before the radical left began to specifically target Trump properties. I hope that Trump has good security, because it will definitely be tested starting today



  1. The Radical Leftist have also attacked Executive Bob Culver and the County Council and will be protesting their special meeting to discuss Maryland Regulations concerning the CAFO's, chicken houses.

    These groups have a spawned from Kathy Phillips from Assateague Coastkeepers who think they are so form of an enforcement agency, they are not! Oh, did I mention that the Loser Kathy Phillips lost the law suit she filed against the Hudson Farm in Berlin. Did I mention that she lost her lawsuit against Perdue? One group spawned from Assateague Coastkeepers is the lame Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs who have been knocking door to door lying to residents. They have been leaving deceiving brochures which are scaring them into thinking their water will be polluted or our children will be getting sick or we will end up with cancer. All scare tactics and and the DUMMIES are falling for it Hook, Line and Sinker. Did I say Dummies, yes Dummies including former City Council Member Debbie Campbell who lost to Jake Day. Jake Day's father is the President of Perdue Farms. Makes you wonder if there is a connection. Hmmm!

    Joe you should do a story on this Tuesday in the morning and it might be a good idea to get someone to cover the Protesting and the Meeting. I hear there will be some clashing going on. Lisa Inzerello almost got arrested in Accomack County for heckling and harrassing the County Council in Accomack County. Yes I said Accomack County, these Radical Thugs have been down their harassing them and they don't even live in Virginia. Lisa Inserello and her husband have been attending the County Council meetings in Wicomico County and hassling them. They live in Somerset County, not Wicomico County.

    It will be an interesting night on Tuesday for this meeting at the Civic Center.

  2. Joe speaking of Left Wing Radicals your friend Debbie Campbell has joined the ilk of Left Wing Nuts that hate chicken farmers. She has joined a group called Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs. These are the wingnuts that have been fired up by that idiot Kathy Phillips who lost the law suit against the Hudson Farm and Perdue. I think since she got spanked by Jake Day, whose father is the head person at Perdue Farms she has now found her calling as a pay back.

    Joe this is some scary stuff from the group Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs from their FB page. There are a lot of agitators on their and many paid agitators.
    Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs

    Catterpiller Hudson said...
    March 18 at 6:50pm
    We have had 5 brand new chicken houses with a retention pond behind them go up on the corner of Snowhill and Airport rd. Is this part of this as well? It's right over our water as well. Why are so many popping up? I fear it's to late to do anything as they are almost done

    Debbie Campbell - Doesn't seem especially good for the city taxpayers who paid big bucks for the Robbins Ave lift station by Marley Manor. We were promised that it would be needed for future development. High intensity poultry operations and all that goes with it will probably put a damper on development that will create significant economic development. The county and city need to attract jobs that pay a good living wage and this isn't helpful.
    Like · 4 · March 19 at 6:23pm

  3. How could anyone support the Democrat party anymore!

  4. Well now , it's just about time folks. It's a commin!

  5. Black lives matter are the ones who are arranging this protest. Obama will protect these idiots at all cost.

    1. Time to start Stomping on these thug fools.

  6. That's why we vote in this nation , just demonstrate by voting.

  7. People from the democrats are pooping their pants, when Trump becomes President, there will be ALL kinds of useless scum fleeing this country, and that is EXACTLY why he needs to win!

  8. As someone that has no dog in the hunt. Can you really call yourself "Chicken Farmers". You are mass producing chickens you are more a part of the chicken industry. As long as it is done safe with concern for our ground water I say have at it. The only person getting rich is Jim Perdue. Wonder if there is a chicken house near his wife and kids drinking water. I would say no. When they are not in Southern France living it up. I have no issue with a man earning a living. Just dont screw the water up doing it.


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