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Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes

It is widely accepted that American public schools are controlled by liberals.

It seems like every day, we see new examples of American schoolchildren being indoctrinated with left-wing ideas.

This latest example was brought to our attention by a concerned parent.

Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words “We pledge allegiance to an International Flag.”

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  1. Illegal to deface the flag and TREASONOUS.

  2. but we let it go on. Not to often do you get packed PTA or council meeting. Maybe if the schools made a facebook post about issues, parents will care.

  3. Rainbow BS they will not be happy until America is dead.

  4. These freaking school systems are scary!

  5. Anonymous said...
    but we let it go on. Not to often do you get packed PTA or council meeting. Maybe if the schools made a facebook post about issues, parents will care.

    March 8, 2016 at 3:37 PM

    I went to one of our local high schools in Salisbury for the PTA meeting and I was the ONLY parent there. I kid you not, I was the ONLY parent there and the Principal was asking what to do to get more parents to attend.

    Now there were a couple of other parents that were there, but they are school employees so they had to be there since the administration knew they had kids in the system and they were working that day.

    Parents don't care and when they get in high school they really don't care. They just drop their kids off for events like sports and treat it like a free baby sitting service. These people are pathetic!!

    Now in Middle School the only way to get the parents there was to offer free food for everybody. Isn't that tacky and they had no shame what so ever! Free everything is a way of life for them.

  6. Parents should teach their children to never pledge allegiance to any flags! Children have no business pledging allegiance to political entities. Children don't even know what allegiance is!

    Only adults are in a position to make a decision about giving one's life for the benefit of a political organization or government.

  7. 4:28 problems started when the family was destroyed.(i.e baby mommas rewarded) God,prayer,reading writing & arithmatic removed from education. The American flag!!Be glad you live under it! That flag Still represents the only island of freedom in this world. Its sad that the father and his Son have been replaced with false Pagan Gods of the new age religions! Who despise the USA, morals and freedom. News flash. Open your eyes. The public schools are in on IT.

  8. They should be more upset with the children have to say, "Many Nations, under Allah".


  9. At the school in the article the teacher and principal should be severely disciplined. Perhaps a GoFundMe to send them permanently to the foreign country of their choosing. No excuse for stuff like this.

  10. This is why we have to vote TRUMP.

  11. What's scary is Half of dem idiots are social communists


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