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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Officer Colson Accidentally Shot By Fellow Officer; 3 Brothers Charged

CHEVERLY, Md. (WJZ) — A sad twist in the tragic killing of a Prince George’s County police officer. He was shot during what the department is calling an ambush that was recorded by the suspects.

We now know that the fatal bullet came from a fellow officer.

Ava-joye Burnett has the latest on this tragedy.

A cruiser draped in black is a public sign the department is in mourning–a situation made even more tragic knowing the fatal bullet came from one of their own.

The chaos started Sunday. The suspects — three brothers — Michael, Elijah and Malik Ford.



  1. A cop killed another cop... Now that is laughable...

  2. 8:25 - Did you even read the article? Or are you one the people who sits around in underwear making stupid comments based on headings? Get a life!

    1. I read it the same as he did. One trained officer killed another in a shoot out. Probably a dirty cop who got the chance to eliminate a rat cop.

  3. 8:25, I hope you burn in Hell for that comment. Totally stupid, totally ignorant, totally insensitive, and totally wrong.

  4. 8:35-You must be psychic.

  5. Where's BLM now? One black shooter, two black accomplices, one black cop dead. BLM has NO message. It is a racist movement, pure and simple.

  6. Contrary to popular belief, most cops aren't good shots.

  7. damn shame killed by his own incompetent buddies!

  8. So he was killed by "friendly" fire. How can they charge the instigators with murder? Attempted murder, certainly, but they didn't actually kill anyone.


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