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Friday, March 11, 2016

Obama Mocks Cruz: ‘Where Else Could Boy Born in Calgary Run for President of United States?’

(Weekly Standard) – At tonight’s state dinner with Canada, President Obama took a swipe at Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada.

Via the pool report:

Pool was escorted into the East Room at 8:32, where POTUS had already begun delivering his toast. POTUS spoke for about 7 minutes[.]

The toast was filed with jokes. Among them: “If things get out of hand, remember the prime minister used to work as a bouncer.”



  1. Obama Mocks Cruz: ‘Where Else Could Boy Born in Calgary Run for President of United States?’

    Just like the illegal Muslim from Kenya did.

  2. 1:28 - nailed it!

  3. The arrogance is unbelievable.


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