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Monday, March 21, 2016


Obama demands a higher presidential pension and more benefits!

President Obama is asking for more money for when he leaves office, according to his latest budget requests.

As a future former president, Obama will benefit from his proposed hikes in the pensions and other lifetime benefits given to living ex-presidents in his budget requests for fiscal years 2016 and 2017.

“The President’s FY2017 budget request seeks $3,865,000 in appropriations for expenditures for former Presidents, an increase of $588,000 (17.9%) from the FY2016 appropriation level,” according to areport from the Congressional Research Service published Wednesday. “The increase in requested appropriations for FY2017 anticipates President Barack Obama’s transition from incumbent to former President.”



  1. Seriously???? This guy has b@##s that just won't quit! I guess he is trying to cover for future vacations that he and the Moochelle plan to take?

  2. When you can guarantee a 17% pension increase for military retirees, we'll think about it. Until then, suck it up, pal.

  3. Figures doesn't it!

  4. Considering what he has done TO this country he shouldn't get the pay rate he is currently listed for!

    This turd POSPOTUS makes it worse every time we turn around!

    Can't wait for the election!

  5. Does it surprise anyone to hear about another politician voting himself a pay raise? All raises for political offices should have to go through their constituents!

  6. Sorry idiots.

    The retirement benefits received by former Presidents include a pension, Secret Service protection, and reimbursements for staff, travel, mail, and office expenses. The Presidential pension is not a fixed amount, rather it matches the current salary of Cabinet members or Executive Level I personnel, which is $191,300/year as of March, 2008. As those salaries are adjusted so are the corresponding pensions.

    Civics lesson over.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 21, 2016 at 1:30 PM

    Based on his performance of last 7 years, his salary should be paid accordingly. 90% Decrease. If you don't like it, quit or move to Cuba.

  8. A President / Politian should get no more than 25% of their salary for a pension and medical for themselves only with no other benefits past and future. If they cannot live off that then they are poor managers of their finances. They need to quit screwing the Public they minute they leave office.


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