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Saturday, March 05, 2016

Mexico Speaks Out About Trump's Border Wall

There is no way Mexico would fund Donald Trump's "terrible" plan to build a wall along its border with the United States if the Republican front-runner wins the U.S. presidential election, the Mexican finance minister said.

Trump, the New York billionaire developer and former reality television star, sparked outrage in Mexico when he vowed to force Latin America's second largest economy to pay for a wall along the southern U.S. border to stem the flow of illegal immigration and drugs.

In a televised interview late on Wednesday, Finance Minister Luis Videgaray categorically rejected the proposal.

"Under no circumstance will Mexico pay for the wall that Mr. Trump is proposing," he said. "Building a wall between Mexico and the United States is a terrible idea. It is an idea based on ignorance and has no foundation in the reality of North American integration."

Source: Reuters


  1. There are more ways to make Mexico pay for the fence than one realizes.Restricting entry into the US may be the most overlooked way.Let Mexico endure the bottleneck at the border for a few years and THEN ask them if they've paid a price.Ben Franklin stated that a penny saved is a penny earned.Our savings by keeping their masses at bay will therefore equate to them paying for it.

  2. Tax American companies like ford who play the build it there and import it back in game. Then Mexico will not look as attractive and maybe some jobs will come back home. The only reason ford goes to Mexico is little over site and cheap labor. I think an import tax is the only way to level the field while keeping our living standards in place.

  3. As much as Trump flip flops this too will be a change of heart, its just election chatter to him.


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