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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Limbaugh: If Trump wins, ‘they’ll be talking impeachment on Day 2’

'Obama is only getting away with it because the Republican Party is non-existent'

PALM BEACH, Florida –
Responding to a caller’s fear that Donald Trump could be an authoritarian president in the mold of Barack Obama, radio host Rush Limbaugh said both the Republican and Democratic Parties will “be talking impeachment on Day Two” of any executive order should Trump win the White House.

“I’m telling you that if Trump gets elected, you’re gonna see more unity between the Republicans and Democrats in stopping any Trump authoritarianism than you have ever seen in your life,” Limbaugh said on his national broadcast Tuesday.

“Because they’re gonna hate it, they’re gonna despise the guy, and they’re gonna align together to stop him if he tries executive orders.”

Limbaugh noted there are many establishment Republicans still in office, and they would fiercely oppose any executive orders from Trump, despite the fact the current GOP-controlled Congress is giving Obama a free pass.



  1. Obama is getting away with his crimes because he is black, and any real action on impeachment receives calls of "Racism" on the drafters part. That is the real reason.

  2. Then the voters will vote out the establishment in Congress!

  3. 1:52 the voters thought they did that in 2010 and 2014, we got more of the same.

  4. Rush, go sputter and fume in the corner. You're sounding more and more like the establishment elite each time you go into public.

  5. It all smoke and mirrors

  6. we get trump in first, and then the pansies in congress go


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