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Monday, March 21, 2016

Lawyers, Trolls and COWS…An Interview with Assemblywoman Michele Fiore

Author’s Addendum: I would like to at add some of my thoughts to this article. There has been a huge reaction of fellow patriots who are worried about being indicted and arrested. Please know that, so far, there have been NO substantiated arrests this weekend to indicate that they are moving forward in this manner. If you hear of any, please email me immediately with the details at Jason@oathkeepers.org and/or post them to the comments of this story. I thought it was important to get this information out sooner rather than later as it was coming from a trusted, reliable source and had the possibility of impacting so many of us (including myself and so many of my friends). But in the end it is just information, not intelligence. So at this point we must treat it as hear say. Again, if this does go live, please let me know and I will get it out there ASAP. Until then, I would urge everyone to remain calm and steadfast. Fear is what they want us to be feeling. I apologize for putting it out before it has been more thoroughly vetted, the last thing I want to be is a fear monger.

In Liberty,

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