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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kroger Unisex Bathroom Explanation Draws Attention

An Athens, Georgia, Kroger store drew the gaze of the all-seeing eye of social media after a sign they posted explaining why they have a unisex bathroom went viral.

"We have a unisex bathroom because sometimes gender specific toilets put others into uncomfortable situations," the sign reads. "And since we have a lot of our friends coming to see us, we want to provide a place for our friends who are:

Dads with daughters
Moms with sons
Parents with disabled children
Those in the LGBTQ
Adults with aging parents who may be mentally or physically disabled

Thank you for helping us to provide a safe environment for everyone!"

On Monday, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed heavily scrutinized legislation that critics said would legalize discrimination against the LGBT community. The NFL had threatened to withhold a future Super Bowl from Georgia if the bill made it into law.



  1. Giant in Salisbury has had a unisex bathroom for customers for my whole life....No big deal.

  2. This seems very reasonable and convenient to me.

    It would be different if they were making some big deal about having a 'gender-neutral' bathroom, but it's.. just a bathroom. Single-occupancy. That anybody can use.


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