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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jew Stabs Arab Terrorist To Death With His Own Knife

A Jewish man was stabbed by an Arab terrorist in Petah Tikvah on Tuesday afternoon, but succeeded in fighting back and killing his attacker.

The incident occurred along the central Israeli city's Habaron Hirsch Street; the stab victim was evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in moderate condition.

According to eye witnesses, the Arab terrorist attacked the Jewish man, stabbing him repeatedly. But his victim fought back, pulling the knife from his own neck, and stabbing the attacker to death with his own weapon.

A senior paramedic with the Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulance service described seeing "a haredi man, aged around 40, fully conscious and suffering from multiple stab wounds to his upper body."

Azriel Gross said he provided the victim with emergency first aid treatment, before he was evacuated to hospital.

He said the attacker, an Arab man in his 20s, had been "neutralized" at the site.

It was the first of two terror attacks in Israel in quick succession late Tuesday afternoon.

More here


  1. Don't mess with the Jews!

  2. I'm sure the Israeli medics were in a hurry to save the arab terrorist....

  3. Remember that every Israeli is combat trained in his or her late teens or early twenties.


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