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Monday, March 21, 2016

ISIS Threatens Facebook and Twitter

Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, is a likely Vice President nomination for Trump, especially since Cruz is likely to be the only Republican candidate to hold out until the end, which would allow Trump to unite the party. The only issue with this scenario would be whether Cruz would accept the nomination... 


  1. somehow this headline does not match the story

    ISIS Threatens Facebook and Twitter

    Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, is a likely Vice President nomination for Trump, especially since Cruz is likely to be the only Republican candidate to hold out until the end, which would allow Trump to unite the party. The only issue with this scenario would be whether Cruz would accept the nomination...

  2. Yeah, the carpet doesn't match the drapes, as they say.

    The headline should read, "Denny Hamlin Wins Sprint Unlimited Race!"

  3. Referring to the political article:
    i have predicted this from the start. Of course cruz will accept. What else can he do?


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