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Monday, March 21, 2016

Invasion of the American Lobsters

Sweden has asked the European Union for help to stop an invasion of American lobsters, saying they could wipe out their European cousins with deadly diseases. The Swedish environment ministry said more than 30 American lobsters have been found along Sweden’s west coast in recent years. It said the American lobster, also known as the Maine lobster, “can carry diseases and parasites … (continue reading)


  1. Another good reason to build a wall

  2. Is this article a TYPO?

    Is it Lobsters or Mobsters?

    No, seriously, which one is it?

  3. Sweden better start worrying about all of the Muslims tearing apart their country.

  4. Good question 3:30-They both carry diseases and parasites.

  5. I'll call the Chief Lobster of Maine and get this straightened out ASAP. I'm good friends with him, and I trust he will do the right thing.

    How else will we stop the migration? Maybe ISIS will help!

  6. Scoop them all up and sell them back to Maine. Duh, problem solved and you make Millions!

  7. Send them a keg of beer and butter problem solved and a tasty solution too


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