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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Informational Announcement from Wicomico County Public Schools

Wicomico County Public Schools sent this bulletin at 03/18/2016 
This is an informational message for all Wicomico County Public School families and the community. This morning the school system is collaborating with the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office to conduct K-9 scans for controlled dangerous substances at several schools. Scans such as this are done from time to time as part of ensuring that schools are safe and drug free. The scans are taking place at James M. Bennett High, Wicomico Middle, Mardela Middle and High, Pittsville Elementary and Middle, and Choices Academy. Students will be outside of the school buildings while the scans are taking place, and the instructional day will resume once the process is done. Please note that students cannot be signed out by parents at these schools while the scans are taking place. Thank you for your cooperation in support of safe schools.


  1. I am very curious to what they find. Seriously.

  2. Awesome and make sure the teachers cars are also done.

  3. What's this about multiple students passing out at wi-high and being taken to the hospital? What's going on?

  4. 12:47, NOTHING! You people should be more careful about your rumors. Yes, EMS was dispatched but found NOTHING.

  5. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    4th Amendment to the United States Constitution

    1. Yeah? Tell it to the president. If you want to be so self righteous tell your glorious leader to set an example before you climb up on that soapbox.
      What's the matter, afraid the search will cut into your extra income from your thug kids dope sales??

    2. Do you really think smelling air in a public school is a search? I guess you better hold your breath next time you leave the house so you don't violate anyone's rights.

  6. Joe, thanks for the update. Wboc, WMDT, and the Daily Times posted it on Facebook....I was concerned.

  7. 12:56 PM you must be one of those Druggies who is guilty!

  8. These routine searches haven't been done in years. Thank you Mike for getting it done.

  9. So there is same day warnings with searches at schools now? Interesting. More and more things are a joke anymore.

  10. They have not done these searches for many years and I thank one person I know for pushing for this to happen. Thank you!

  11. 12:47, I didn't hear of anyone passing out, just multiple students complaining of being ill. The rumor mill appears to be hyping up the situation more than necessary.

  12. I've received calls saying multiple students passed out, LIE. Bleachers collapsed with multiple injuries, LIE. Gas leak, LIE. All units were put back in service. Was there testing today, I wonder?

    1. Obama thugs looking not to take tests.

  13. 1:18, I heard it from the local news stations and the Daily Times on Facebook. Maybe they updated/changed their story now. Haven't had time to look.

  14. JoeAlbero said...
    I've received calls saying multiple students passed out, LIE. Bleachers collapsed with multiple injuries, LIE. Gas leak, LIE. All units were put back in service. Was there testing today, I wonder?

    March 18, 2016 at 1:24 PM

    Joe I am pretty sure those lies came from someone from the Blubber Bloggers site because ironically you were mentioned in one of the comments. I bet they were trying to set you up for a "Gotcha!"

    It was something going on at WiHi that had students from other schools. Don't think it was testing or the drug searches.

  15. 12:56 if only you knew what you were talking about

  16. Great job for the Sheriffs Office. Now we can start arresting the drug thugs that Margo Handy and John Fredericksen has been protecting for the last 8 years.

  17. Does anyone know if any of the Drug searches resulted in any arrests? Did they find anything?

  18. It was a drug bust. The police and police dogs were here. A few students got arrested and they found weed in some of the students cars and 14 grams in a locker

    1. Nothing was found and there were no arrests. Go find another pot to stir.

  19. If they did find anything, they can't release the info unless the kid is over 18.

  20. 3:05 PM - It's called the Constitution of the United States of America.

  21. The idiot commenters here are begging the government to remove their freedoms.

    Thank you sheriff for spying and illegally searching the students.

    Thank you for teaching the children to bow down before the government henchmen.

    Idiots. Absolute idiots. You deserve everything that is being planned for you.

  22. Thank you for your work trying to keep our schools a safe place for learning. There are children that don't participate in drug use and want to be there to get an education. It is a crime that instructional time was lost because of students that don't want to be there. School is for academic and social/emotional learning and growing. We want to graduate young adults that become productive members of our community and society.

  23. Looks good on paper; unfortunately, that's all Dr Fred is interested in...has no reflection on reality whatsoever...kids come to school higher than kites....sent back to classroom due to "lack of evidence" especially, "students of color"...we are going down the tubes people.. don't listen to Dr F or MARGO who are making well over 100K...everything is fine!!!!

  24. You have no right against searches in a public school idiot. Also funny these dogs alerted but no word of dope found ??? Interesting all these alerts and no dope. was this an actual attempt to find drugs or a dog and pony show.


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