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Friday, March 11, 2016

Half of Federal Criminals Released From Jail Are Re-arrested

The United States Sentencing Commission Wednesday revealed that 49.3 percent of federal offenders released from prison or put on probation in 2005 were rearrested for either a new crime of probation violation within eight years.

The report found that younger jailbirds had the highest rate of returning to prison.

The report included surveyed the cases of 25,431 federal offenders.

Among the highlights from the report titled "Recidivism Among Federal Offenders: A Comprehensive Overview:"

-- Almost one-third (31.7%) of the offenders studied were reconvicted (as opposed to just rearrested), and one-quarter (24.6%) were re-incarcerated.

Read more here


  1. The Clinton's don't get arrested, but they re-offend all the time, career criminals!

  2. A breakdown of the original crimes would be helpful and informative.


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