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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Good Question


  1. The question comes too late. I'll be leaving the Democratic Party next week after forty plus years. I consider the the party a slap in America'a and Americans faces.
    As for the Republicans, they no more represent interests to benefit the Republic than Democrats do the people, so Independent it will be.

  2. Faster then a blink of an eye. Plus I will never vote again because it will show me that my vote means S*** to them. Trump 2016 or I'm done. map

  3. Im a republican, but I'm with you 8:43, our votes mean nothing, the elite establishment controls who wins! Lets go Trump, make America great!

  4. Donald Trump or I never vote again.

  5. Yes. Trump is not my first choice. But if Trump gets to the convention and has the majority of the delegates, but someone else comes out the convention as the presidential nominee, I'll rip up my republican voter registration card, and mail it to the RNC headquarters.

  6. I left the party(Republican To Independent) 5 weeks ago while at the MVA renewing my vehicles registration, I could already see the writing on the wall

  7. i'm voting for Trump, even if he's not on the ballot.
    i am also never voting for another Republican for as long as i live....You hear that Andy?

  8. I'm a registered Republican just so I can vote for Trump in the primary. If I were to go Independent here in MD, I would not be able to vote that day. In the General election, I will be voting for the person who deserves the job no matter what letter is after the name, R, D or I.
    Go TRUMP!

  9. I am maintaining my affiliation so I can vote for Cruz - if the RINOs screw us over again, I'm done with their Party.

  10. Yes, will become an independent.

  11. I'll vote for Trump if he runs independent!

  12. Trump is a joke, but I'll vote for the fool if he is the candidate chosen to run against Hillary or that other idiot. I would expect the same of other Republicans / conservatives if Cruz is the candidate. Can I count on your vote or will you be sulking like ignorant children? Which, by the way, is exactly the reaction the media is working so hard to promote.

  13. Do not think this will be an issue. But we have to defeat the democrats at all cost. Even if we don't get what we want this time we are making progress and believe real change is very close. I think the republican party as we know it will change either way.

  14. Cruz IS a RINO, 7:24! 3 of the 4 top candidates want open borders and amnesty which will destroy the USA as we knew it. The other one is named Donald J. Trump!

  15. If the "Establishment" thinks they are going to do something against the will of the people then not only will I be leaving the so called party, I will riot against them idiot. We need to find out who the establishment is and do something with those idiots if you know hwat I mean.

  16. I will register as independent. Been a life long Republican, but I no longer feel that either party represents us and my vote really doesn't count.


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