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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ferry Parts Recovered By Westside Fire Department Dives

Executive Culver Said: "Spent much of the morning with divers from Westside Fire Dept finding the missing parts from the Upper Ferry, will take a couple of days to cut and weld repairs but Jeff and Pat saved Wicomico County about $10,000 by finding parts. Please support Westside upcoming fundraiser April 2"


  1. We need a bridge to replace the ferry... that thing is always breaking down or closed.

  2. While ALL taxpayers throughout the entire county pay for your FREE ride on this Ferry, quit your bellyaching! Next you'll be blaming the problem with the Ferry on Executive Culver.

    I'll tell you what. YOU pony up the cash to build a Bridge, you pay the salaries of the people collecting your toll to cross in both directions and in 30 years you keep the profits.

    I've seen what some of you are trying to say here ANONYMOUSLY and quite frankly you must be very lonely and miserable human beings.

    Executive Culver isn't acting like Rick Pollitt, who never worked a Friday in all 8 years as Executive and would never go to a scene like this one and show support and thanks for the hard work being done to fix a bad situation. Same went for the snow plowing in the last few storms.

    You negative people need to start seeing the positive side of what's going on in Wicomico County. Some TREE HUGER from, (get this) CALIFORNIA is now ragging on the Executive for wanting to clear out some trees and build ball fields. FROM CALIFORNIA!

    You dirtbag LIBERALS are a bunch of crybabies who just want nothing but ATTENTION. Shut the hell up for once and get out of the way. It's our turn to rebuild everything you screwed up.

  3. Thanks for the help 3 jays and west side vfd.

  4. I enjoy the Upper Ferry and the Whitehaven Ferry...we take motorcycle rides several times each year during the spring and summer utilizing both ferries....The Captains are always friendly, it's another thing some of these folks who "move in" and want to try and take over have absolutely no thought of local history or for that matter any appreciation for it....they are only concerned about their lives. I still say take down the Chesapeake Bay Bridges and let those folks stay off the eastern shore and we will be just fine with our seafood, chickens and farming!!!! Good Job Bob and the folks at the Westside Fire Department!!!!

  5. ROTFLMAO! Little Bobby's sure making progress ain't he! Free college and ball fields!

  6. And everyone who depends on the ferry chose to live where they live.

  7. A bridge? That's funny. Good luck with the decade of obtaining the environmental permits and the 80 million dollar price tag. How about just close the ferries down and the 2 percent of the county population that uses them and bitches when they are closed can just drive around.

  8. You can't depend on them being open anyway so close them down...I'll drive around on the bridges.

  9. Try looking at the Ferry schedule or dial this number.....

    Ferry Information
    Hotline: 410-543-2765 7 days / wk

    •March 1st to May 15th 7am - 6pm
    •May 16th to September 15th 6am - 7:30pm
    •September 16th to October 31st 7am - 6pm
    •November 1st to February 28th 7am - 5:30pm

    Not to difficult IF YOU can dial that Obama phone!!!!!

  10. I use the ferry all the time with my lawn care business. Saves me time and money to travel from South Salisbury (Fruitland) to get to the west side. Now granted there's one operator who is an ass but all the others are very polite and courteous.

  11. If you have a flash of lightening and it closes.

  12. Back in the 80's properties on the north side of the ferry were undeveloped and could have been purchased for a possible bridge. Official who still assists the County Council nixed any discussion of the idea. The cost of now acquiring those properties will be cost prohibitive. Too bad there weren't more open minded people then.

  13. Plenty of other places on the river for a bridge.

  14. Thanks to the divers , I didn't know they had a female diver , Pat.

  15. These same divers helped on the Foxwell case and did an awesome job in freezing waters. They are an asset to this community. Was John Cannon at the ferry work ???

  16. Pat is a junior firefighter.


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