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Monday, March 21, 2016

Ellen Sauerbrey Writes: So you don't want to vote for Trump?

Some who profess to be conservative talk about taking actions that will help elect Hillary Clinton – sitting out the General election, forming a third party, or even voting for Hillary if they don’t like the Republican nominee.    When the primaries have determined our nominee,  I will be four square behind that person, whoever it is.  Why?  Because I want to preserve our country and our Constitution.   This is not just another election.  The path we are on will be irreversible with another four years of a leftist President.  It will determine whether we remain a free society or go down the road to socialism

Yes, Donald Trump has lots of faults but it is pretty clear to me that his basic instincts are conservative. I recognize that we don't know how he would govern.  But there is no doubt where Hillary Clinton will take the country and most important where she will take the Supreme Court.  If she is President her nominees will doom the First and Second Amendments of the Constitution and her policies will expand the reach of government into every aspect of society..  She has already told us that.  In the article below, my friend Bill reminds us of some of Hillary’s past record of judgment and experience.  She must not be allowed to take control of our government.

People ask: “How can you vote for Trump – when he is so crude?” I thought about that, and this is what I came up with. Purple is my least favorite color. Visualize this: I’m standing on the balcony of an apartment on the 10th floor of a high-rise apartment building. The building is on fire, and my only escape is to jump into a net being held by firemen. Great – except the net is purple! Now I can jump into that purple net or I can yell down to them “Go get a blue net or I ain’t jumping.” Or I can take the sidewalk – Hillary is the sidewalk!!! – I’ll take thepurple net – every time!!!             
When it comes to who to vote for, Hillary wants us to consider her “judgment and experience”. I too want everyone to consider her true ‘judgment and experience’.
It was her ‘judgment’ to install an unsecured illegal server in her bathroom at home in Chappaqua, New York to keep the proper authorities in the dark about what she was doing as Secretary of State. This placed every man, woman and child in America in unnecessary jeopardy. And it placed every spy we have around the world in grave danger. Because on her “unsecured illegal server”she had the Spy’s code name and their real name.
Hillary bragged that her “unsecured illegal server” was protected 24/7 by the Secret Service. She could have had 1000 Secret Service men guarding her “unsecured illegal server” and someone in Tehran, Pyong Yang, Beijing or Moscow could hit a little button starting a little ‘beam’ on its way to America – right to Chappaqua – weave its way though those 1000 Secret Service men – through the front door – into the bathroom – into the “unsecured illegal server”– extract all the information on the “unsecured illegal server” – left the bathroom – weaved its way through those 1000 Secret Service men – and carried all that information back to whoever it was that sent the beam on its way. And not one of those 1000 Secret Service men would have known about it unless the beam flushed the toilet on its way outJJJ
And, for the record, many of those associated with this issue – do believe that Hillary’s “unsecured illegal server” WAS HACKED!!!
General Petraeus’s little book in his desk drawer at home, was at least a hundred times more secure than was Hillary’s “unsecured illegal server”. At least someone had to be physically present in Petraeus’s home to get the information! Not so with Hillary – the “hacker” could be thousands of miles away!!!
That is part of her “judgment” I want you to consider.
It was her “judgment” based on her vast Middle-East “experience” that we should take out Gaddafi in Libya.  She ignored Gaddafi’s warning: “If I am not in charge in Libya, it will become a haven for terrorists.”  They (Hillary and Obama) removed Gaddafi (he was killed as a result of their intervention) and guess what – Libya is a “haven for terrorists”.  As we found out in Benghazi. Of course we knew that before the terrorists attack on our compound in Benghazi.
The British withdrew from Benghazi after an assassination attempt on their ambassador, the International Red Cross closed up shop in Benghazi deeming it too dangerous to remain. Our compound had been attacked twice earlier in 2012 - but it was Hillary’s “judgment” based on her “experience” to keep our operation open in Benghazi. WITHOUT THE REQUESTED BEEFED-UP SECURITY!!! 600 emails in one year requesting increased security fell on deft ears at Hillary’s State Department!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
AND, it was her “judgment” NOT to send help to the Americans under attack in Benghazi – resulting in the death of four Americans.
Hillary’s experience” is that she was instrumental in destabilizing the entire Middle-East. It was her “judgment” that Syria’s Assad was a “reformer” and he should be left alone. It was her "judgement" that Boko Haram should not be put on the terrorists list – which limited actions that America could take.  
All those little Christian girls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram and subjected to unspeakable treatment are part of Hillary’s “experience”!!!
It was her “judgment” to carry that stupid little red reset button to Geneva to signal better relations with Russia. Her “experience” in that regard is that our relationship with Russia is worse than it was before she started meddling. We could be on the brink of another “Cold War”  thanks to Hillary’s “judgment andexperience”.
By all means, I want everyone to vote based on Hillary’s “judgment andexperience”.
If they do, it will be a landslide for the Republicans.
America’s “experience” as a result of Hillary’s “judgment” was almost totally bad!!!
It was Hillary’s “judgment” to hire an ex bar bouncer to provide White House security.
It was Hillary’s “judgment” to impugn the reputation of the staff at the White House travel office so she could place her friends in charge. That became known as Travelgate and it blew up in her face, but it is part of her “experience”!!!JJ
It was Hillary’s “judgment” to secure 900 personal FBI files –illegally- to find out dirty little secrets on the opposition. Some of that information ended up on Craig Livingstone’s (the ex bar-bouncer) personal computer. In case you haven’t identified what I am talking about – it became known as Filelgate.
Then of course there was Monica – that became known as TailgateJJJ
Not all of Hillary’s “experiences” actually happened. It was her “judgment” to lie about “bullets whizzing by head as she ran across the tarmac in Bosnia!!! When she was actually met by a little girl with a bouquet of flowers – who was not running across the tarmac with bullets whizzing by her head!!!
Lying is a way of life for the Clintons:
New York Times Columnist William Safire said that Hillary was a “congenital liar”.
Nebraska Democrat Senator and Congressional Medal of Honor recipientBob Kerrey - said about Bill Clinton: “Bill Clinton is an unusually good liar”.We all know how you get good at most anything – with practice!!!
New York Times reporter Jeff Gerth said that a White House official told him in regard to the Clinton administration: “These people who came here from Arkansas – their first instinct is to lie.”  If he is still there, I believe he would say about the Obama administration: “These people who came here from Chicago – their only instinct is to lie.”
A recent Quinnipiac poll of 1500 people asked “What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear the name Hillary Clinton?  They only listed the words that were used 5 times or more.  The top three words were LIAR 178  DISHONEST 123  UNTRUSTWORTHY 97
    I was surprised that “enabler” wasn’t one of the words mentioned at least 5 times – I guess they didn’t think of Tailgate. Maybe they still haven’t figured out what the meaning of “is” is?
Hillary’s problem is that she cannot remember what lies she has told – so she often contradicts herself – sometimes in the same setting. It is somewhat embarrassing. She epitomizes the expression:
“There is nothing so pathetic as a forgetful liar.”  And, she can be pathetic.
Well, we are a long way from the “purple net” and I’m tired of talking about Hillary, so I will let you go.

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