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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

California Bill to Restrict Travel Funding to Anti-Gay States

A California lawmaker has proposed a bill banning state employees from using government funds for travel to other states with laws that advocates for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people say discriminate against them.

"No one wants to send employees into an environment where they would be uncomfortable," Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low told The Sacramento Bee.

Lowe's bill would affect administrative travel, not political, and comes shortly after South Dakota's Republican governor vetoed a bill that would have restricted transgender students' access to public schools and locker rooms.

The proposed ban is the first proposed after last year, when Indiana's religious freedom bill prompted Democratic governors from New York, Washington, and Connecticut and several mayors to issue temporary government travel bans. However, the bans were all lifted when
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a revision that banned LGBT discrimination, reports The Washington Post.



  1. Good! I would support California request to succeed from our Union.

  2. Why not leave it up to the employees in question?

  3. 10:38 State employees. No tax money to be spent in these bigoted places.

  4. Again they fail to see the world view. Its only my way or the highway. Liberal tolerance at its best. How about the people that feel uncomfortable with gays and LGBT types? Its only about their self centered feelings.

  5. Just stay in your dump of a state. Yes, most of Cali is gross.

  6. California is a beautiful place. It's the people who make it not so beautiful.

  7. How bout state employees just do their jobs?


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