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Friday, February 05, 2016

Wicomico County


  1. Dan said it wouldn't be like this.

  2. Here's a little story for ya. 7:15AM Rt 50 W, I AM IN THE SLOW LANE by between Naylor and Royal Farms exits. Black SUV crawls up my backside. Hmm, dude I am in the slow lane.... He goes for the slushy fast lane, crawls up another cars backside.
    TURN HIS COP LIGHTS ON, and makes the guys get out of the lane, by trying to merge in to the slow lane in front of me and behind another guy in the slow lane. TURNS HIS COP LIGHTS OFF, and goes down 50 to nowhere in particular.

    Ok so... the roads are crap, this cop was in no emergency situation and puts people in jeopardy. Nice.

    Yea cop, I saw the whole thing.

  3. You're right 8:19. Dapper Dan said we should only expect an inch or 2 on the grass by the morning and no accumulation afterwards. Instead, we have about 1/4" here in Betlin with a wintry mix and icy roads. It would help parents to have an accurate forecast expecting this and schools to be closed so we don't have to scramble around franticly first thing on a Friday morning.

  4. Dan is an actor, not a weatherman - and a Dorky one at that. We don't want to watch a bunch of fake actors on the news, what we want is genuine anchormen and weathermen like they have at news stations in Western MD.

  5. What was his tag number 8:20? He needs to be exposed and reprimanded.

  6. DO NOT REPORT A TROOPER....you will be very sorry.

  7. Why not 9:23...what would the consequences be if someone was to report a trooper.

  8. 9:23 report them anonymously, wouldn't this be a good forum?


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