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Monday, February 08, 2016

Which One Are You?


  1. ummm...and then there is me, who doesn't own a cell phone...

  2. I'll join you 5:50. I have a dumb phone and no idea what this is.

  3. @550 This is a basic question: Do you wake up on one alarm? or do you hit the snooze?

    Lower your snobby "I'm too good for a cell phone" stuck up nose... and remove it from your kiester.

    Personally, my alarm (phone or desktop, Does it matter?) goes off an hour before i get up... and I snooze ever 10 minutes until I have to get up.

  4. 7:51 A cell phone is not a priority with me. Need to contact me, leave a message on my answering machine. Actually we don't use alarm clocks, but we do make use of clocks., My spouse and I raised 3 kids. Our inner alarm has awakened us at 5 AM daily for the past 56 years. Guess it is because we are just old dirt farmers, who got to work before sun up. Nothing snobby/snooty about us. Even as a child 78 years ago, when my eyes opened, my feet hit the floor. Wouldn't do for us all to have the same priorities, would it?

  5. Good answer 9:44 AM, and I'm like you, my inner alarm wakes me up daily at 5AM, no need for alarm.

  6. I wake up 20 minutes before the alarm goes off. By then I'm already having coffee.


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