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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What Killed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died of a heart attack, probably passed away peacefully without ever awakening, a top cardiology expert says.

“Based on the suddenness of it, he had a heart attack in his sleep, which stopped his heart. Nothing else will kill you suddenly while you’re sleeping,” Dr. Chauncey Crandall tells Newsmax Health.

Scalia, 79, was found dead Saturday at Cioblo Creek Ranch when he failed to appear at breakfast. His death certificate will list myocardial infarction – a heart attack – as the cause of his death, USA Today said. Scalia had arrived Friday, spent the day quail hunting, and then attended a private party. But he left early, telling a friend he didn't feel well. He was discovered dead when he failed to appear at breakfast the next morning, CNN and the San Antonio Express-News said.



  1. No the cause of death will be classified as natural. Sudden cardiac death (SCD)and other illnesses and internal malfunctions not directly influenced by external forces are classified as natural causes of death. A heart attack does not kill you. Sudden cardiac death is what kills you, the heart attack itself is the contributing factor.

  2. Nothing else will kill you while you sleep! Seriously, this is what this idiot says. Potassium chloride injected into someone kills them in their sleep, this is what they do with Lethal Injection, and those guys are asleep.

  3. @ 12:35 Paranoia will destroy ya!

  4. 1:24 not knowing the truth will kill the rest of us!

  5. Too put to rest all conspiracy theories they need to do an Autopsy ASAP.

  6. We need to check the emails, after all the government is very transparent about emails

  7. There are a lot of people suspecting that Obama had something to do with it because they fear a Republican takeover and he was the easiest to "replace" before Obama leaves office.


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