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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Washington: Muslim Prisoner Tries to Behead Correction Officer Shouting “Allahu Akbar”

This area of Washington State appears to be a hotbed of jihad activity. An ISIS Muslim was apprehended not far from here yesterday.

The Clallam Bay Corrections Center was placed on lockdown after a correctional officer was severely attacked on January 28, 2016.

Correctional officer Terry Breedlove suffered extensive facial injuries and memory loss — “He’s not doing well,” said Breedlove’s mother, Joanne Spaulding.

“Corrections officer remains in Forks hospital, improving,” By Peninsula Daily News, February 10, 2016:

FORKS — A Clallam Bay Corrections Center officer who suffered serious head injuries last week continued to improve but remained hospitalized Monday.



  1. We cannot let anymore Muslims into this country. It's suicide.

  2. "Security cameras were not working at the time, investigators have said." How's that for "Homeland Security"?

  3. Send that slime to the Aloha Snackbar - I've got a fresh order of fried pork-bellies waiting for him!

  4. Hillary will get this mess straightened out, she promises, and she would never lie

  5. The prison system needs to crack down on these radical Muslim SCUM.

  6. Too late people these people have been infiltrating America for 20 years. They realized they couldn't make a huge military stand so along with the drug cartel they are tearing it diwn from the inside out.


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