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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Voter Fraud: We See Dead People

It’s true, folks. Patriot sister Sharron “Braveheart” Angle has taken on battling voter fraud; sounding the alarm that it is running rampant in America. What good is winning the hearts and minds of voters if we allow Democrats to steal elections?

Sharron suffered the devastation of election corruption when she almost defeated Harry Reid in 2010. Illegals voted for Harry Reid. There is evidence that Reid possibly stole the election from Sharron Angle using dead voters, people in prison and illegals.

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” I suspect Sharron’s painful loss has made her a passionate crusader; committed to cleaning up the electoral process.

Remember the Black Panther Party thugs who stood outside the polls armed with clubs? Though charged with voter intimidation, Obama’s DOJ arrogantly and without apology outrageously dropped the charges because the perpetrators were black. Can you believe that, folks? Meanwhile, Obama looks down his morally superior nose at us, proclaiming himself a defender of equal justice.



  1. all about pundits and wasting money... a pathetic process indeed

  2. Voter fraud is much more rampant than they're letting you in on. Mostly Dems.

  3. Our Anthony Gutierrez of the Board of Elections cares nothing of weeding out the voter rolls here. I know, I asked him if I could help do it. He claims everything is "Just fine and kept up to date".


  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    all about pundits and wasting money... a pathetic process indeed

    February 6, 2016 at 6:50 PM

    You must be a DemocRAT!


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