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Saturday, February 06, 2016

VA Officials Get Away With Fraud

Know an ethics violator in need of job security? Try hooking them up with a lucrative position at the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition to providing lackluster care to millions of veterans, numerous agency officials were found abusing their executive authority, such as Kimberly Graves and Diana Rubens. The duo was recently demoted from the Senior Executive Service sector of the VA. Government Executive provides a quick backstory:

In September, the VA inspector general concluded the two improperly helped create vacancies at their respective offices and volunteered to fill them. The two employees occupying the Philadelphia and St. Paul director jobs at the time were relocated to jobs they did not volunteer for to make room for Rubens and Graves, who were working elsewhere at the time in positions with more responsibility, according to the watchdog. VA paid roughly $274,000 in relocation expenses for Rubens, and about $129,000 for Graves, for a total of more than $400,000.



  1. There seems to be little accountability at any level of the VA. If this were in the private sector, they'd be fired. If it were in the military, they'd be having a court martial, dishonorable discharges and spending a few years in Kansas, with no time off for good behavior.

  2. 12:28-- there is little or no accountability ANYWHERE in government.
    That is the problem.


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