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Thursday, February 18, 2016

U.S. Special Forces Not Ready to Integrate Women

At a time when U.S. special operations are devising plans for the mission of accepting women into the male domains of SEALs, Green Berets and Army Rangers, the terrorist-fighting community is facing a looming readiness problem.

The new challenge is tucked inside President Obama’s 2017 defense budget. It states that U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and its 69,000 personnel are up against “training challenges” and is seeing “minor impacts to the forces’ ability to accomplish missions” that could grow worse.

Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs face some limits on training due to cutbacks in fleet and training range operations, according to a budget overview document sent to Congress last week.

As this happens, SOCOM is looking at a spring deadline to begin tryouts for integrating women into teams where 85 percent of men oppose the move, according to a Pentagon-sponsored survey by the Rand Corp. Nearly 90 percent say that blending the sexes will lead to lowered physical standards for missions in which high endurance and brute strength are vital. Some male warriors are so opposed that Rand scholars labeled them “extreme.”

Special operations forces are deploying at one of the most frequent rotations in history during the war on terror, begun Sept. 11, 2001. After conducting hundreds of manhunts in Iraq against al Qaeda, they are back in that country preparing for raids on the Islamic State terrorist army.

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  1. Women do not belong in combat.

  2. 918 tell that to the women that came back from the war missing body parts. For you.

    1. Doesn't mean they should be in a combat unit. Civilians shouldn't be in combat but are. Women should not be in combat units. You obviously have never served and seen a Marine Corps combat unit. No woman could make it.

  3. After reading and listening to many of citizens point of view it sounds as though the adversaries objective DIVIDE. and conquer is totally working. We as a whole are coming undone from the inside out

  4. @ 9:58 she should have never been put in that position. It says a lot about a nation in the way they treat their women.

  5. 1227 could you make through basic training starting today?'! Your making assumption that all women in the entire USA couldn't make it.. You can't know that so your opinion is wrong. .


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