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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Two Pedestrians Struck In Worcester County, One Deceased

Snow Hill and Stockton Fire EMS on scene 2 pedestrians struck by a vehicle, one patient deceased and the other patient priority one. Trooper four requested on Greenbackville Rd.

Update: a county roads dump truck from Worcester Co. has struck 2 county roads employees.

Correction: Our original source has informed us that it was a vehicle that struck them working outside their dump truck. 


  1. Very sad news. Prayers for all involved.

  2. A local tragedy. Prayers for the deceased and injured and for their families and friends.

  3. Prayers to all involved. So sad.

  4. This is so sad. Prayers to the family, friends and co workers of our dear county employees.

  5. Our prayers go out to the families, may God be with you and your families.

  6. I can't believe this. This makes me so sad and so very angry that someone had to be so reckless and now has caused the death of one and another in critical condition. Slow the hell down people!

    1. Do you know what happened? Keep your comments about it to yourself until a final determination has been made. Everyone is in pain right now!!! County workers, driver of the car, EMS and fire department, police, dispatchers and most of all the family. Be respectful to ALL involved.

  7. Our prayers go out to the families, may God be with you and your families.

  8. Prayers to the family and friends, may God be with you and yours.

  9. Prayers goes out to the families

  10. the crazy farmin' chief needed to calm down while it was a tragic scene there was no need for all the yelling and screaming on the radio-very unprofessional. the old saying if you can handle the heat get out of the kitchen--again understanding this was a bad situation but real fireman remain calm and show leadership for these tough calls. I was told he thinks he knows it all anyway and is a paid fireman somewhere else so why would he act so crazy?

  11. Yes we know what happened 10:17 and have known what happened as the Wor Co Sheriff's dept released a statement shortly after the tragedy. The "determination" isn't going to change whether it's "final" or not. Driver of the Kia was in a big hurry to get no where and because of this killed one and critically injured another of our county employees.
    The funeral home is the place to be "resectful!" This is the place to tell it like it IS and hopefully the next time someone decides to disregard the safety of others they will think twice.

  12. The state of MD and the fed gov't spends a ton of money on programs designed to keep road and highway workers safe all to no avail. Who ever did this needs to be charged with every thing under the sun, and when they are sentenced the sentences need to run consecutive so the jerk spends 30 yrs or more behind bars.

  13. To ANONYMOUS 6:29, before you post anything about any of the fire fighters who were on the scene, maybe you should first get your facts straight. It appears that you are either another fire fighter, a wanna be fire fighter, a radio/fire truck chaser, or just a person who wants to start s**t. And I can be sure it is 2 out of 4 listed. I too was also listening to the radio transmissions and it didn't sound like anyone was "yelling". Maybe that is how this person talks on the radio. If you "apparently" listen the radio frequently, you may have known this. You call this person "the crazy farmin' chief, apparently you don't even know who you are commenting on, because the Chief is not a paid fireman somewhere else. And for you to be "TOLD he thinks he knows it all" this sounds like you must have been inquiring about this person Or you must have been told this by someone who doesn't like him or can't compare to his fire fighting knowledge or skills. And clearly you didn't re-read what you wrote about handling the heat and getting out the kitchen. Just re-read it and look at "your" mistake. See everyone makes them, not saying there was anything wrong with this person's communication skills on this call. And if you think you could have handled this incident any calmer than maybe you should have responded and took command, and "played" fire-fighter for the day. Oh and by the way if your meaning of crazy is someone calling for additional assistance with this traumatic call and having people cease further communication over the radio talking about what type of vehicle it was involved in the accident, then he must be one crazy fool... I'm sure that was done so the families,(in case they had radios) like you do, would not hear what happened to their loved ones before being notified by police. So before you comment any further about this sad incident you should pray for the all families involved, because I'm sure that their families would not be so damn inconsiderate as you are.

  14. Can anyone shed any light on why the name of the driver in this tragic accident is still unpublished?

  15. To all concerned I was the incident commander on this tragic event. If you have any problems with the way I ran the incident please feel free to contact me. As for being a paid fire fighter why yes I am and have been for a very long time so for remaining calm on radio you apparently were not listening to the event .my email address is aaocff@yahoo . Tim Jerscheid assistant chief

  16. Yea we all are wanna be something's...Just wish education standards here could insure some dreams ...instead of the sense of self importance some mistake as intelligence


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