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Friday, February 19, 2016

Trump: 'We Have To' Open Up San Bernardino Attacker's Phone

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that “we have to” open up the San Bernardino attacker’s phone, adding, “to think that Apple won’t allow us to get into her cell phone, who do they think they are?” on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

Trump said, [relevant remarks begin around 7:40] “I agree 100 percent with the courts. We should — in that case, we should open it up. I think security overall. We have to open it up, and we have to use our heads. We have to use common sense. … But to think that Apple won’t allow us to get into her cell phone, who do they think they are? No, we have to open it up.”



  1. Trump is the same as all politicians with that statement... I told you your vote doesn't count...

    Soon apple will fold too, if they haven't already... Funny how all of this camera crap and tracking crap isn't stopping any attacks like they said it would, do you feel safer now that you have no privacy or any other rights????

    You asked for it, you voted for it well now you all got it, it is called tyranny...

  2. If Apple folds on this (they shouldn't), they'll lose a significant amount of global business!

    The wigman is wrong on this one! If the gov't wants in, they should do it themselves! After the gov't breaks in, Apple should build a better phone - and give it to everyone that has the one that the gov't just cracked...and write the entire mess off on their corporate taxes!

  3. Apple corporation is a creation of the intelligence agencies.

  4. Apple needs to protect their customers before anything. If the Gov. wants any info off the phones, they need to give the phones to Apple and ask them to download it and print it out on paper.

    The Gov gets NO KEYS!!!!

  5. Give the govt an inch and they will take a mile... Remember the "temporary" income tax that was to expire after the war was over???

  6. Apple is just waiting for the Feds to give them immunity a la Verizon.

  7. When this all began it was JUST THAT PHONE for heaven sake.Apple blew it out of proportion by generalizing the court order as a threat to all communication technology.This was no problem at all.Just provide the contents of that phone to the FBI and be done with it.The public would not have even known about the issue if Apple had cooperated to begin with.It would have only involved that one phone.

  8. 7:30 Once Apple opens up the encryption on that phone it will set the precedent for all phones to be hacked. It is not JUST THAT PHONE!

  9. This in not the United States of Apple. Besides, China hacked the phone a long time ago.

  10. 8:43PM, chances are, the phone was wiped before they left to do their dastardly deed. However, the fact is Apple has done this before; 15 times to be exact. However, the suspect (owner) was alive and gave consent after the police got locked out. Cooke said he didn't want to continue this precedence but this is hardly the time to take such a stand.

    Given the government is questionable about it's abuse on power, I am of two minds with this as in one instance, it is a slippery slope, on the other its the circumstances where one could overlook the slope should there be any real intel on the phone.

    In both instances - this is a sad commentary to demonstrate just how much the intel community has been gutted under Obama. We need to get someone in the WH that will restore their powers and ability to gain intel as in the past.


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