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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Today's Poll Question 2-6-16

Do you think women 
should have to sign up 
for a military draft?


  1. why not?

    they pushed for it, so yes.

  2. If we have a draft, then yes... equality and all.

  3. Absolutely. It's called equality.

  4. Of course. What's the big deal? (I am female.)

  5. Yes. They have just as much responsibility as males.

    And I believe that everyone (no matter who your daddy is) do at least 2 years of some form of government service after high school.

  6. if mom and Dad are both drafted who gets the kids?

  7. I say yes if your main goal is to lower the standers. It's a proven fact that, overall women, physically, don't have the strength or stamina. We have some great women and have had some great women in the military, but not in combat.

  8. Yes - as well as all 18 years old should have to enlist for 1-2 years in military. Teaches a person respect for authority. Respect for Laws and Country. Respect in general.

    1. Yep Israel does it and it would straighten the Thugs out in this country.

  9. No of course not, Just because a few liberals have gotten women into combat doesn't mean all women should be punished.

  10. Sure. They've shoved their feminist agenda up our tailpipe for decades.. now the chickens come home to roost.
    I just pity the poor commanders who would have to put up with whiny princess draftees when they try to take their phones away from them.

  11. !:04 You are talking indoctrination.

  12. when politicians and their families are first in line

  13. Anything done in Israel should be done here. They are the masters of the universe. The rulers of us all.
    They know what is best!

    We should immolate them as much as possible. If their women fight, then our women should fight.

  14. Immolate?
    I think you meant to use the word "emulate".

    To immolate is to ritually sacrifice someone, often by fire.

    In any case, yes, women should sign up for the draft and do two years of mandatory military service alongside the men. Everybody. Period.

  15. No one seems to be thinking of all the children that would be left behind if women are made to sign up for the draft. I know I would hate my government if they forced me to leave my children behind to go fight in a war. It certainly wouldn't endear me to them or make me want to fight for them. It seems to me this is all part of the agenda to further destroy the American family.

  16. Only all the illegal immigrant ones.

  17. The demographics of this country are completely different than they were during the Vietnam era or the 2 world wars. There are 10's of millions of single mothers in this country now. What happens to their children when they are called to fight? What happens to the children when both parents are drafted, which is going to happen. The focus of discussion shouldn't just be how women will handle combat or what it will be like on the front lines. We need to be thinking about what it will be like back home for the millions of children left behind. There is a reason why we have never had women drafted before and it is not just because they weren't thought to be able to handle combat. It is because, as a society, we put more value on families and raising children than we do today.

  18. "..No one seems to be thinking of all the children that would be left behind if women are made to sign up for the draft. I know I would hate my government if they forced me to leave my children behind to go fight in a war.."

    You must be one of the millions of women who sat quietly by while the militant feminists were doing their thing.
    If you didn't speak up then, they were speaking for you too.
    The feminist agenda has been probably the biggest factor in the destruction of our society. And it happened because so few women were willing to fight for traditional values.
    Now you will have to fight for something else, won't you?

  19. Yes, since many wanted to be equal. But all high school graduates should have to go for two years minimum for the discipline, if nothing else. And prove disabilities before being excused from serving.

  20. No "No"...but "Hell NO!"

  21. they should only be a draft when we are invaded, and then it probably won't be necessary to draft.

    1. Obama has already started the invasion.

  22. Yes and I have 4 teen daughters you want freedom and equal rights you got it.

  23. Israel does it with EVERY citizen.


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