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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Today's Poll Question 2-2-16

Do you agree or disagree 
with lowering the alcohol level 
from 0.08 to 0.05
for a DUI?


  1. disagree. Can't win the drug war, so now go after someone who has a glass or two of wine with dinner?

  2. Disagree - the current standard in use today is sufficient.
    Enforcement of repeat offenders is lacking though!

  3. I think it should be anything over absolute ZERO. ANY alcohol should be punished if you are operating a vehicle. It would be great if they increased the fines and put automatic jail time with the offense.

  4. No, because just one drink will make you over the limit. Just another form of prohibition for revenue enhancement!

  5. Disagree....I like beer with my steamed crabs!!!!

  6. No its ridiculous... More money for the cops etc...

  7. I also believe any reading over zero should be considered DUI.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. 1 drink will make you tired or sleepy in cases. Having said that , drinking and driving should be zero tolerance.

  10. MD law allows for penalties below .08 already.
    But then they just slap their hands and hand out PBJs.

  11. Isn't that level reached with some cold medicine ?

  12. agree , I also believe that alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world . It's nothing more than provider of false courage . Whether it makes you feel better or angry . People drink to change their personality. If you disagree , show me they proof that it doesn't. But it isn't against the law to drink , it is against the law to drive while impaired. Isn't that right?

  13. 8:06 I do not consume medicines, so it doesn't bother me, personally. However, if I CHOOSE to consume alcohol, or have to consume medications with warnings WRITTEN ON THE BOTTLE TELLING ME TO NOT OPERATE A VEHICLE, I will simply NOT BE IN A VEHICLE. It is not hard to enjoy alcohol AND NOT DRIVE.

    I am stupid? Typical, resort to name calling when you don't know what you are talking about. Why some of you feel the need to put everyone else's life in jeopardy, instead of being responsible, is beyond me.

  14. Lets make it -0.02, then everybody will be a criminal, that should make the police state happy.

  15. Technically they can already bust you for anything from .04 to .08 BAC, so why make it .05? So anything in your system at that point will technically be considered a DUI? Just dont drink and drive, period. They will get you if they want you and then your part of the system and the state will be making big bucks from you....

  16. I agree , because I became an alcoholic at the age of 12 years old.
    I drank for the next 59 years . It just ain't worth it people. Of course , you guys will combat my comment with all the excuses I've already heard .

  17. 8:06 I think you a pill.

  18. Anon 8:06 AM - "breathing" is an autonomic response. It just happens without requiring an engaging activity such as thought.

    I think that the acceptable level should be left alone. Even mouthwash has alcohol in it and if you got stopped after having taken a cough drop and mouthwash I think that you would be up for some serious jail time or at the least some mighty expensive attorney bills.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

  19. Disagree, I like a glass or two of wine when out to dinner and a cold beer with crabs, go after the ones that are hammered and are not responsible.

  20. why can't the gov't just leave us alone already? pretty soon we won't be able to step out our front door without paying a fee

  21. I agree , drinking socially is just an excuse , " I like to have a sociable drink" , that's BS , you drink to get a buzz!

  22. Deal with driving under the influence of drugs, i.e. marijuana first. Figure out a way to test for it, set the standard and enforce it.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Deal with driving under the influence of drugs, i.e. marijuana first. Figure out a way to test for it, set the standard and enforce it.

    February 2, 2016 at 9:09 AM

    You have a less chance of being in a collision with a pot user than a drunk driver. Drunk drivers are a 12 times more risk. We have already covered that here.

    1. Yeah pot users doing 35 in the fast lane with no lights on wont cause a huge accident ? Hypocrite.

  24. Those same police officers and judges themselves have reached this alcohol level. Two-faced; reporting crimes that they also endulge and participate in.

  25. agree, measurable impairment begins at .03

  26. 927 it doesn't matter how many occasions you are told they already test for marijuana and have been for years. You just keep typing the same comments... I want whatever your on?

  27. 909 they already you do and have been since 1995. How do you not know this?

  28. AGREE, and 1st. offense mandatory 90 days in jail, not work release!!!

    These killers are as dangerous as someone walking around firing his gun into the air, most times it is safe, but than there is a tragic accident.

    1. I Bet you drank when you where younger ?

  29. Agree..And put an honest cop in the Market Street Inn's parking lot to catch all the cops, lawyers and judges that come out of there over the limit..

  30. 11:29 - there aren't enough honest cops!

  31. Agree, they are accidents waiting to happen.

  32. Agree any reduction can save more lives.

  33. 1:22 I'm sure a lot of people drink. It takes a special kind of stupid to drink then get behind the wheel of any automobile, including ATV's, etc. THAT is what we are talking about here, not whether or not anyone drinks.

  34. Equip all cars with breathalyzers and the problem is solved

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    927 it doesn't matter how many occasions you are told they already test for marijuana and have been for years. You just keep typing the same comments... I want whatever your on?

    February 2, 2016 at 10:06 AM

    Read it again. I was replying to a comment, and I didn't mention anything about testing for pot. I think you are already on something and do not need any more.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah pot users doing 35 in the fast lane with no lights on wont cause a huge accident ? Hypocrite.

    February 2, 2016 at 1:24 PM

    If you are referring to my statement about having less of a chance of having a collision with a pot smoker...oh never mind.

  37. Agree, these drivers are killers.

  38. They should raise it.

  39. It's low enough as it is.

  40. a well known lawyer told me that a cigarette could give a positive blood alcohol number!!! i assume that is true??

  41. The problem isn't the limit, it's how often people get out of the deadly situation they place themselves in. With good ole boy cops letting certain people off, they never pay consequences for their behavior except possibly destroying their automobile. I've known several folks that have been compltetly blotto, totaled their cars and got away Scott free from any legal perspective. Problem is, They STILL drink and drive because they have learned nothing. These people are going to kill someone, Other countries are a lot more firm.... France for example, you autonpmaticallynloae your license for 3 years, or Australia, you lose your license for the first time for 60 days, then PERMENTLY.

  42. There are too many drunks on the highway now killing the Innocent's. I totally disagree 100%.

  43. Agree, don't drink and drive and you won't care what the level will be!

  44. I've never measured my BAC when drinking, so I have no idea what .08 feels like.

    But I do know DUI's are costly, and I don't aver want one.

    Leave it alone, it's a deterrent. Most blotto's who wreck that I've read about are waaaaayyyy past .08!

  45. Just drive with no lights on.


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