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Sunday, February 07, 2016

The Classiest Debate Moment That No-One Noticed – Never Leave A Good Man Down…

Few people will talk about this, and fewer will even want to acknowledge it, but what Donald Trump did before the debate even began shows the measure of a real man’s worth.

At the beginning of the ABC debate, each of the candidates were being introduced in a specific order. The first name called to the stage was Chris Christie. The applause was loud and lingered through the time when Martha Raddatz called the second candidate Ben Carson.

Dr. Carson did not hear his name called (easy to understand why when you listen to the video) and stood in the entry-way. The moderators, with their backs to the candidates, didn’t notice his absence and called the third name on the list, Ted Cruz.

Ted walked past Dr. Carson and onto the stage. Carson remained in the awkward, and embarrassing position, ‘no-mans-land’, on-camera but out of sight of the live audience.

What happened next shows the remarkable character of Donald Trump.

The fourth name called was Donald Trump, but by then the back-stage crew and candidates were aware of Dr. Carsons’ position. Trump slowly approached, and then realized the embarrassing position of a fellow candidate hanging in the wind.

Trump showed his leadership by standing right next to his friend, and not walking onto the stage.



  1. Carlie did not realize that she was the sacrificial lamb.You have to be smart and insightful to see what is really going on in the debates.She was intentionally mistreated to extinguish the Carson pity party.Diversions are my strong suit.I can spot one a mile away with my eyes shut in a blizzard.

  2. Real men don't leave their wives, sleep with married women and own strip clubs....

  3. Real men have class like Trump did when he stood with Dr. Carson.

  4. Not necessarily a sign of leadership, just good manners. It did show he doesn't always think of himself first.

  5. Real men have nothing to do with POTUS.

    POTUS serves the interests of the international bankers.


  6. Trump will be our president

  7. That was an amazing tempest moment in this debate. Donald never would have flippantly passed Mr. Carson like the rest did. He made sure that both Ben and he had a proper introduction, and proper time for applause,

    That was a true Class Act! Making sure his opponent went first, and had proper recognition!

    Trump/ Carson for me!

  8. Now the real Trump has shown up. He does have a heart and is a gentleman. Yes, DR. Carson out weighs all of them in intelligence,
    class and manners.

  9. Actually Trump, didn't hear his name called either. They looked like dumb and dumber.

  10. 1002 I agree. Let's get out and vote when the time comes.

  11. I find it very interesting how liberals come on here trying to bash republican candidates. Much of what they attempt to say is a lie. So here's what I'll propose. If you want to put up such attacks, put up the quote and source of where you got your information and we'll publish it. Until then, we're going to continue to reject those comments just because you say it is so. Go to a liberal site and attack them there but we're NOT going to be like those sites and publish lies just to make candidates look bad.

  12. Ben Carson has the most class of ALL the candidates! His intergrity, morals, and character rise above the others. Unfortunately for him, the dirty business of politics has "nice guys finish last". This country lacks the morals and intelligence to elect an honest and competent leader. Politicians are arrogant, power hungry, deceiptful, people. Carson has to much class to even be associated with these morons.

  13. Great moment of character for Trump.

  14. Seeing this live as it unfolded, it was a remarkable thing Trump did in this gesture. Thus, showing his good manners but also good sportsmanship. Something none of the other candidates on this ticket as they blew by Carson knowing foil. You might not like Trump but you have to admit, this says volumes about his character as a man and as a potential leader of our country.


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