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Friday, February 26, 2016

Thank God Its Friday 2-26-16

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. My wife wants to go to the Home Show ,so I guess that's what we will do .

  2. Still in awe of whatever the fighter jets were chasing last night.The jets were running wide open and it was rapidly pulling away from them.This was no training exercise.The object they were chasing had 3 lights that gave it a triangular appearance.I live in Salisbury,but people all over heard it.I made it my business to go outside for a while just to see what all the racket was.This is no joke.

  3. 955 we were wondering the same

  4. Interesting 9:55. Please elaborate if you get more info! I'll be looking for a wedding gown for my 22 year old daughter. She's moving far away from home, so I'm trying to hang in there!!

  5. Cleaning up my yard from the storm. Boo.

  6. I would also like to hear more about the jet sightings. It sounded as if the jets were on top of our house and it was alarming. So loud and just kept going. What was that?

  7. JUST trying to survive...

  8. shooting at cars that won't get out of the left lane

  9. Getting drunk and not working at my dead end job.


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