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Thursday, February 25, 2016

State Dept. Created Classified Email Account For Hillary

Secretary of State John Kerry’s testimony in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday produced a number of revelations about the ongoing Hillary Clinton email probe, including that she was provided an email account during her time at the agency designed to handle classified information but never used it.

During one part of an at-times intense exchange, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson 60% read from a letter from Julia Frifield, who serves as State Department assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs.

“Secretary Clinton did not use a classified email account at the State Department. An account was set up on ClassNet on her calendar, but it was not used,” Frifield wrote in response to a Sept. 21, 2015 letter from the committee asking for information about Clinton’s use of an account equipped to handle classified information.



  1. So her actions couldn't even remotely be considered negligent.
    They were willful, criminal actions.

    Fry her.

  2. Hillary for Prison 2016!!

  3. Agree 100% with two comments above.

  4. So why the delay in arrest?


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