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Wednesday, February 17, 2016



  1. Why not??? If they are allowed in military why not be draft eligible? This is a no brainier

  2. There is currently no draft, or is one coming and Gloria S screwed up the free ride women had for centuries?

  3. They want equal pay for equal work - how about equal opportunity for equal risk.

    We should re-institute conscription - for a minimum of four years - make sure that politicians kids cannot get waivers - that will make them think about sending troops to foreign lands to further their personal agendas!


  4. I think its about time these women getting what they want,to be EQUAL. Let them see the horrors of WAR

  5. Do you all live under a ROCK?' Women have and currently been deployed into combat missions. We are fighting the longest war in American history. 900am Google women of war. Pages of women without limbs with their kids. How sad it is they are giving everything for YOU. I for am proud of them. I will keep my comment PG.

  6. It's all an attempt to make the military unpopular and eventually lead to dismantling the military as we know it.

  7. 900. Julie Dunbo lost her hands and feet during a shooting in the current war. Their is countless more.

  8. 737 you are living 40 years ago. The women in combat have seen more then you ever have. So stop it.

  9. This video does not reflect its title - "Americans Ready for a Female Draft." Every person in the video said that they were OK with women fighting front line combat "IF THEY WANT TO." But when the question turns to requiring women to register for the draft, all of the sudden it is "oh no, they shouldn't be required because of..." That doesn't sound like Americans ready for a female draft.

    Naturally, everybody wants the right to choose what they want to do. American males lost that right a long time ago with the implementation of the draft. As a male, I'm ok with it. I understand that I live in this Country and, if needed, I know that I will have to fight for our freedom. Fine by me. As far as women being drafted, I'm somewhat torn on the topic, but I do support it. If we need to randomly draft 100,000 men AND women for war, statistically, about half of those draftees would be women and about half would be men. By nature and in general (not trying to sound sexist), men are stronger and more aggressive then women thus making them more suitable in combat than their female counterparts. Given that fact, if half of our draftees were women we would inherently be deploying a weaker front line which would likely result in more casualties and the need for additional draftees. Again, not trying to be sexist - there are women that are just as capable as men; however, in general their skills and strengths are not as apt to war time efforts as men.

    I also personally believe that EVERY child deserves a parent; preferably two. If a child has to lose a parent due to war casualty, then I feel that is should be the father. I have two young boys and there is no way that I could appropriately raise them without their mother. At the same time, I know my wife could handle it with no problem without me - she is amazing! In my family, my boys NEED a mother and they could survive and grow up fine without me. That brings me to my next point. I feel that EVERY able American should register for the draft (men and women), but the draft should leave no child without a parent. If the draft is implemented and my wife or I are selected then we should be able to choose which one goes to war. This way we are fulfilling our duty, but still protecting our children's needs. Some families may send the mother, some may send then father - it's up to them, but somebody must go if drafted.

    This whole argument "we need women to procreate" is garbage. Newsflash! It takes two to make a baby... or at least in the old fashion way. If women were drafted, we'd still have plenty left over to procreate - trust me ladies. This whole procreation argument is typically a kind way of saying that isn't a woman's job or a cop out for being scared. Ask that same person if a woman's role is in the kitchen or raising babies and I bet you'll hear a different tune coming back. The fact of the matter is that equality only exists where those promoting equality want it to exist. For example, equal opportunity for education, housing, employment, etc for Blacks, but we have black only schools/scholarships, housing grants for minorities, the NAACP, the Rooney Rule, etc. That wouldn't be quality, that would be receiving an advantage. Equality is having the same level playing field as everybody and making achievements based solely on merit, experience, education, determination, etc. I laugh at people would want equality, but have this twisted view of what equality actually is. Equality these days often comes at the expense of inequalities for others, which is typically the white male.

    Should women be included in the draft? Bottom line, YES. But there should be special provisions that consider children, allow families to choose what is best for themselves and maintain strength on our front line. THAT IS EQUALITY.

  10. It's a stupid idea, period.
    The feds aren't looking to draft women, they're looking to collect more personal data for use against the American people.

  11. 1026 Don't be hung up on yourself! It's not good.

  12. They should be allowed in as strippers and stress relief.


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