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Friday, February 12, 2016

Snow Conditions In West Ocean City

Its coming down pretty good in Ocean City. From everything I had heard on TV today, including the graphics, I never expected to see the snow accumulate. Especially in the Ocean City area. How's your neck of the woods looking?
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.


  1. Yeah, he said the air was so cold and dry that the snow wouldn't even make it to the ground.

  2. It's all an illusion as per Dan the Man.

  3. He said a slight dusting !

  4. If you dislike or don't believe him , why in the hell do you guys listen to his forecast?

  5. 6:29, While I think Dan is a great guy, WBOC continues to fail the Eastern Shore in a very big way. It's my job to follow all kinds of stories that clearly YOU enjoy, or you wouldn't be HERE. Some you'll like, some you won't. In the mean time, it's important to keep the competition on their toes. Considering our audience is now larger, considering I'm the only one out there that says what the majority thinks, WBOC might do a better job at providing better sources for their staff to use to deliver far more accurate forecasts. It cracked me up the other day when Dan admitted the technology has been there, they just haven't had access to the better system, UNTIL NOW. So you can thank me for forcing these guys to get on board with a better system so they can deliver all of us much better forecasts, or so they claim.

  6. If you think he's a great guy, don't make him look like an idiot. Your posts could be considered a bit slanderous.

  7. Dan said there could be some Ocean effect snow last night. When I arrived in OC today from Salisbury where there was no snow and saw a small amount of snow had fallen. I wasn't surprised but pleased that I got to see the results of ocean effect snow.


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