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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sheriff Clarke on Beyonce’s Halftime: Would It Be Acceptable If ‘A White Band Came Out In Hoods and White Sheets?

Commenting on Beyonce’s halftime show during Super Bowl 50, Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke said he did not want to make “a huge deal about it,” but since Beyonce and the other dancers were wearing “Black Panther-type uniforms,” would it be acceptable if “a white band came out in hoods and white sheets in the same sort of fashion?”

Sheriff Clarke added that “the Black Panthers are a subversive hate group in America.”

On Fox Business Live, Feb. 8, reporter Jo Ling Kent asked Sheriff Clarke, “Beyonce put out a new video, music video called ‘Formation,’ and it has been interpreted to be pro-Black Lives Matter, and potentially looking at issues inside New Orleans as well. How did you -- there are some sheriffs that reacted poorly to that, they didn't like that, they turned their backs to Beyonce during the Super Bowl halftime show. What was your thought on the matter?”

Sheriff Clarke said, “Well, I try not to overreact to these things, and I don't want to give this thing any more play than it's already getting. Look, musicians have long used their music, their trade, to make political statements in their music. We may not like it, but I don't want to make a huge deal about it.”



  1. Thank Obama liberals for this, Trump 2016.

  2. If a white band came out wearing white sheets and hoods oh how they would feign outrage and be "offended." They want to be on equal ground but do everything backwards and then sit around wondering why people are prone to prejudice. It's no wonder their kids are conflicted and are killing each other like they are. It's no wonder! No consistency in messages. Unfortunately the schools have so dumbed them down they can't figure this out.

  3. I hear there is going to be protests at the NFL HQ a little to late some people need to be FIRED.

  4. BLM demo is prodigies of Common Core. They have no idea what pot they're stirring when they cheer things like Beyonce's tasteless vulgar display of things she has no clue about. Historically, this kind of rebel rousing has only ignited the Klan to come back and settle scores. Usually the resurgence is bigger than the time before. They're opening a Pandora's Box for which they have no education and Sheriff Clarke is right.

    The whole movement and Beyonce's elk is no more ridiculous than if we were to re-declare war on Germany to avenge the Holocaust. That's about the extent of what's going on.

    Foolish is as foolish does, just hope they're prepared for a potential outcome that will be beyond their wildest nightmare.

  5. 1003 vote Trump 2016

  6. The problem is that there is NO consistent message for black youth. That and the fact that most things that make a society civil are foreign concepts to them. Take religion for instance. There are almost no real black churches left and 99.9 percent of black people 'of faith' are fakes. Their pulpits are political platforms and this has made God very very angry with them. They don't value life. They take a real good game by saying black lives matter but the truth speaks completely the opposite. The reality is black lives ONLY matter when they can attach an agenda to the death. This is why some black SOB had no problem shoving a gun right to the head of a 9 yr old black child in Baltimore this past summer, pulled the trigger and splattered the child's brains all over his own living room. Disgusting! No outrage what so ever so black youth think it's perfectly okay and acceptable for them to kill each other. They overwhelmingly support obama who is a pathological liar and has never accomplished anything positive his entire life. You are never going to get ahead and will never ever be respected by decent folks when you support a liar. It means you are dishonest and a bad person yourself. When you are dishonest you are below people who value honesty. Makes no difference what race you are. You support obama you are not a good person and you must be looked at by others as suspicious because honesty is the basic pillar of a civil society.

  7. 10:33AM, It is shown through their behaviors, their hypocrisy is stunning. On one hand, they want people to accept their viewpoints; however, on the other, they lack the ability to respect the viewpoints countered to them. It's amazing how people do this - but it's not just the black community. I see this in the political arena as well. Cruz/Rubio pundits are viciously attacking other candidates in order to forward their own messaging and their followers have engaged in the same tactum. People are going to have difference of opinions and while I'm all for verbal discourse, it doesn't have to resort into violence, name-calling and bullying behavior.

  8. @10:53 You are absolutely correct!!

  9. Grammy Awards are this coming Monday night (Feb 15)...Beyoncé et al will be there...another nationally televised audience...just sayin.

  10. BOYCOTT the NBA which is 80% Black players and 95% White Fan base. It's never going to change unless something huge impacts their platform. Oscars are not Black enough, well the NBA is not White enough.

  11. There is a consistent message for black youth become a gang banger sell dope tell everybody your a wanna be rapper

  12. I've done some thinking about this and in the end decided I don't care. I don't see the difference in country songs talking about flying the Stars and Bars or David Alan Coe's often disgusting lyrics...(remember how excited everyone was about his concert in Delmar?)
    While not my preference in music, Beyonce's song seems to be a tribute to the strength and resiliency of black women throughout history couched in modern terms and imagery. In terms of putting on a show such as this, what else would she have costumed her backup dancers in? Maid uniforms? Doesn't make an exciting/controversial image does it? The original female Black Panthers most likely grew up in households where their mothers worked as domestics or clerks or perhaps owned their own "female business"... laundress, hair stylist, dressmaker, etc.
    That being said, she's totally in it for the $$$. She's done a great job drumming up excitement for her world tour. Everyone is talking about her.
    I think it's funny how JayZ's music denigrates the same strong black woman Beyonce celebrates by calling them sexist names. Anything to sell the music.


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