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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sen. Jeff Sessions: Only 3 Percent of Illegals Caught at Border Are Sent Back

Only 3 percent of the illegal immigrants arrested at the U.S. border with Mexico over the past two and a half years have been returned to their home countries, Sen. Jeff Sessions said Tuesday.

At a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill, the Alabama Republican said that only 4,680 of the 127,000 illegals have been returned.

He challenged Thomas Homan, a senior official at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, on whether the administration was returning illegals.

"So, isn’t it the truth, Mr. Homan, that these individuals … go out into the country — and if they don’t show up for court, nobody goes out and looks for them?" he asked.



  1. Unbelievable.

    They get caught, handcuffs go on, they're loaded in a truck and hauled to the border, either head back home to Mexico or get shot. 100% of them.

    Problem will greatly diminish.

  2. They are under orders directly from Obama. He will try to cause as much chaos in this Country as he can, just as he has been doing all along. Folks please give Trump some consideration before it's to late.

  3. My brain is aching over this one! I mean, you have taken names, had them in custody, and not deposited them back across the border?????????

    We need a real President, obviously.

    Donald Trump has stepped up for this job and I think it's time we voted him in.

  4. This is Problem #1!

  5. lather, rinse, repeat. Sad sad sad.


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