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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Seasoned Firewood Being Stolen

People are actually getting that desperate, they're stealing fire wood. A friend contacted me yesterday telling me that his single Sister with three children had a very large portion of their fire wood had been stolen while she was at work. 

My recommendation at this point is to put up a trail camera, (or two) and catch these people. Nevertheless, their interest is to find out if anyone else has experienced the same problem. This happened in Wicomico County. 


  1. This doesn't surprise me, desperate people will steal anything, probably put it up on CL and sold it for Heroin money. Some people up in NY/NJ/PA have put in boobytraps to physically harm these people it is happening that frequently.

  2. The grasshopper and ant parable?

  3. The grasshopper and ant parable?

  4. It's cold! Some don't have money to heat. But it's always nicer to ask.

  5. its better to get shot if you try taking my stuff

  6. Don't rule out the seller of the firewood as a suspect. It has been known for firewood sellers to steal the wood that they sell, and re-sell it over and over. I only know of one, and that was years ago, but I know it can happen.

  7. I had this happen to me a few years ago, I ended it really fast. I drilled into a log and placed a live 50 cal. machine gun round inside the log, and covered the end with a glued in wood plug. After it was stolen, I never have lost any wood now in years.

  8. Drive along Rt50 to OC lots of free wood cut in median.

  9. With the outrageous prices charged for wood which "some" firewood peddlers charge and then to toss a delivery charge of 30 or more dollars on top of that is price gouging in my opinion. Short quantities, green unseasoned wood and unscrupulous practices give honest firewood dealers a bad name. The biggest problem I have seen is the unknowing customer taking the word from the seller that "oh sure its seasoned". Seasoned wood has been split ant dried ideally up to 9 to 12 months. Try to find that quality this late in the heating season. Word to the wise stay clear of the Valone Enterprise guy selling wood just west of Delmar, on 54 about 3 miles from town. Ride by and see his idea of seasoned wood, and quantities for which he is price gouging.

  10. 2:45: You better stay anonymous. If you are telling the truth about what you did, you could end up in prison. No one can legally protect their property with lethal force. There are people that have gone to prison, and died there, for booby trapping their property.

  11. For all of you who burn firewood for warmth, tell Joe who the people are who rip others off like 3:02 PM did, and pretty soon they will quit selling what they call seasoned firewood. Not right at all to do that. It costs a lot for wood and people calling wood seasoned when it isn't and price gouging just need to stop and everyone needs to know who they are.

  12. I have done like 2:45, but hollowed out a few special logs and packed them with shredded rubber from tires. Talk about stinky and smoky! And I too never have had anymore wood stolen after that.


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