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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pizza Hut Trolls Kanye West’s Twitter Rant In The Most Hilarious Way Possible

It’s not been a good week for Kanye West.

After his epic Twitter meltdown claiming he’s $53 million in debt, being smacked down publicly by Taylor Swift at the Grammys and Virgin Airlines suggesting he do something vulgar, now even Pizza Hut is getting into the act. Pizza Hut in the UK, that is.

In response to Kanye’s plea for more money, the UK branch of the pizza chain informed him they couldn’t accept his illiterate resume.



  1. Too funny. Serves him right. I have no intention of buying "The Life of Pablo" or subscribing to anything on Tidal, ever. Too many people will, unfortunately, and that gives him the idea he can say and do whatever he wants.

  2. The guy really is a legend in his own mind. Someone please tell the "emperor" he has no clothes.


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