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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Penn. Officials Save $87M by Investigating Welfare Applications

The Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General reports the agency prevented $87.6 million in welfare fraud through its investigation of over 25,000 applicants.

According to the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Annual Report, OIG:
Prevented $87.6 million in welfare fraud by investigating 25,756 applications for benefits
Brought in $22 million in welfare benefit reimbursements through collections activities
Filed 833 criminal complaints that charged defendants with welfare fraud for unlawfully obtaining benefits and identified $3.7 million in restitution owed the commonwealth.

More here


  1. No surprise here - the welfare officials were rubber stamping the applications of their fellow entitlists!

    When you have government workers that might as well be on the dole considering the capabilities and actual work output, you get an environment ripe for fraud and abuse.

    I wonder how many of the investigations revealed fraud being perpetrated or participated in by the applicant processors!?

  2. How long do you think it will take doj to sue them?

  3. Wait until Trump is President and he and his team discover and reveal the welfare cheats and frauds. Justice is coming.

  4. Now look at unemployment SSI,Workman's compensation.

  5. I am shocked that any of those fine folks who need welfare would try to cheat the system, I bet they are being set up (just like marion barry)

  6. u wite foke cant take away my lotto monee

  7. And all the politicians wonder why the country is in debt. That's money that could have been put towards our military and all emergency services. Not to mention the working American citizens.


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