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Monday, February 15, 2016

Obama's Supreme Court short list

The president has a chance to make a big statement with his pick to replace Scalia.

The unexpected passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia immediately set lawyers and politicians talking about who would get the nod from President Barack Obama to fill Scalia's slot.

However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's vow to not confirm any nominee during the remainder of Obama's term creates an awkward dynamic around any potential pick.

Whoever is nominated will have to consider the possibility of being in limbo for a year or more, if the Senate fails to act during the election year. However, that person might also have a leg up on being nominated by Hillary Clinton, if she wins the nomination and the general election in November.

“It certainly is a lot for a person to take on to be the nominee in this heated political climate,” said Elizabeth Wydra of the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center.

Here are a look at some of the leading possibilities to be Obama's third nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court:

Sri Srinivasan



  1. Scalia didnt likely die of natural causes.....away from home....in the middle of the night....

  2. No, no, no, no and um...NO. To keep some pretense of balance, a confirmed conservative needs to be appointed. ALL moderates appointed have ended up liberal lefists. If the people want whats left of the constitution to remain they had better rise up and stop this final destructive act of the most destructive president in history.

  3. The timing, a coincidence??

  4. I hope the family asks for a private investigation into scalia's death. This has Obama written all over it.

  5. There is nothing in the Constitution about having 9 members of the Supreme Court. It can be any number Congress decides so maybe now it time they decided to have 8.


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