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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Obama Thanks Black Lives Matter Leaders for Their ‘Outstanding Work’

Flanked by liberal legislators, and Black Lives Matter founders Brittany Packnett and DeRay Mckesson, President Obama told White House meeting of young militant leftists that they “are much better organizers” than he was at their age, and that he is “confident that they are going to take America to new heights.”

During Thursday’s meeting on the U.S. criminal justice system, Obama praised Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay Mckesson for his “outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues.”

Yesterday, the President thanked the leaders of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement, calling it “outstanding work”https://t.co/LdizseW5rY

— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) February 19, 2016

More than 30 Baltimore businesses and buildings, including a senior living facility, were burned to the ground last April by hundreds of thugs enraged over the police-involved death of Freddie Gray.

Obama thanked the room of leftists for “the degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness” they bring to the issue of police violence.

More here


  1. All of yas racist trash!!!!!

  2. Trump will win election by a mile. See how your Black militants are living when they actually have to work for living and not off the system. LAZY it is in your genes. Instead of dropping six kids by various daddys try staying off your backs and go to work. I say lets get it on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Leading us directly into a racial war.]

    He has set this country back decades. SO SAD
    To think not so long ago it was all about uniqueness and being an individual. Now our once great country only wants all to be the same and no one should strive to be better to only have the government take it away and give it to someone who won't even try.
    Guess all have forgotten what ti was like to work to get somewhere.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 22, 2016 at 10:36 AM

    Impeach the Taitor and put him in jail

  5. I have to wonder how much of this incitement and other nefarious deeds could be addressed by the next President/Congress, more specifically the traitorous actions he has committed.
    He needs to be held accountable, if for no other reason than to be a warning to future leaders.

  6. Apparently, Obama even has his up and down confused!

  7. So Obama condones the riots in Baltimore. This man is a decrease to out Country.

  8. This person is a disgrace to the Office of President and to the White People of America. Pray to God that he will leave the White House when his term is up. I have doubts that he has any intention of leaving, just my feeling!

  9. I have been out of school for 30+ years, and I cannot remember race relations being this bad. Since Obama was elected, things have done nothing but go backwards. It seems like Obama has only tried to separate the whites and blacks. I hope that the next President stands up to racists like Obama, and won't put up with the ridiculous crap that we Americans have had to put up with for the last 8 years.

  10. when clinton doesn't win, she's going to jail.

  11. Yeah great work alright. The unfortunate part is that obama voters and supporters are so stupid that they believe his nonsense. The cities where riots occurred will never ever recover. Oh of course obama ever the liar that he is will and is saying otherwise. The inner cities are and always will be war zones until the residents of those areas decide to start valuing both honesty and life. If you are an honest decent person then you can't stand obama.

  12. After all they have done so much good for the country...this president is like a nightmare that won't go away.

  13. Obama, you make so many of us so angry with your so very limited vision.

  14. And to think-we will pay him and protect him for the rest of his miserable existence!

  15. anyone who voted for this fool should be really be proud, you showed everyone we are not racist and would vote for anyone as long as they are black. good thinking.

  16. As previously posted blacks are killing blacks at record numbers. If you don't put yourselves in position to be confronted by law enforcement then there is NO problem. It's amusing to listen to all the negative commit coming from the black population no one owes anybody anything. If you stop looking in the past and worry about the future you might find a brighter future

  17. Cut their subsidies off.

  18. Black Lives matter when they work in his prison factories and on Election Day

  19. Today there is more racism then ever, if Martin Luther King was alive today he would be ashamed of Obama and your "Black Lives Matter" racists. Your people don't even like each other, the darker blacks don't like the lighter blacks. The majority don't work, live on welfare and have so many children they never know where they are. I feel sorry for the blacks who believe in God, work hard and love everyone, and deeply care for their families, and communities.


  20. Racist-in-Chief cultivating more of the same.

  21. He can't get out of office soon enough, he has definitely showed himself to be a racist, rather than a president trying to bring peace and harmony. He has helped in dividing this country which was better before he took office, and I voted for him, but regret that vote.


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