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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Obama: Criticism of Muslim Americans ‘Has No Place In Our Country’

On Wednesday, President Obama, who has become the executive branch equivalent of a professional Salon.com commenter troll, took his traveling roadshow of perverse failure to the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

There, he lectured Americans – as always – on our own intolerance, the glories of Islam, and how if we just gaze longingly into his eyes, our souls will be set free of the baser matter surrounding them.

First, a note: the Islamic Society of Baltimore has significant ties to terror supporters. Its former imam, Mohamed Adam el-Sheikh, presided over the mosque for 18 years and justified Palestinian suicide bombings in the pages of The Washington Post, as well as founding the radical Muslim Brotherhood-associated Muslim American Society.

Now, on to President Obama’s speech.

Obama began by stating that the ISB is as American as apple pie (minus the whole former imam who supported suicide bombing thing). He then said, “So the first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim Americans don’t hear often enough — and that is, thank you. Thank you for serving your community. Thank you for lifting up the lives of your neighbors, and for helping keep us strong and united as one American family. We are grateful for that.”

So, no bitter clinger talk for those who worship Allah. Got it.

More here


  1. we are not supposed to make any derogatory remarks about muslims,but yet,blacks, whites,jews and native american indians are rediculed for their heritage everyday lets bring this country back to the english speaking country that the USA was once was stop giving in to the very religion that wants to bring this country to its knees

  2. He's wrong again as usual. Criticisms of anyone has very much so a place in our country. Always has and always will. This is the USA and we are free to speak our minds. The problem is obama supporters are the dumbest of the dumb and/or the dishonest dregs of society so they don't know any better or will repeat this another one of his many lies.

  3. So we need to praise the 911 hijackers, the Boston Bombers, The Fort Hood Killer, The Christmas party shooters, and the several other killers in our country, because the King has demanded it?

  4. Obama criticizes Christians every chance he gets and praises Muslims. Then says that criticizing Muslims has no place in America. This is the "Pot Calling the Kettle Black" from a Closet Muslim.

  5. so that means the disgraceful job he has done is above criticism?--- what a sociopath

  6. It's a very evil demented degenerate and the world will immediately be a better place when it takes it's last breath.

  7. Anonymous said...
    So we need to praise the 911 hijackers, the Boston Bombers, The Fort Hood Killer, The Christmas party shooters, and the several other killers in our country, because the King has demanded it?

    February 6, 2016 at 4:39 PM



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