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Friday, February 26, 2016

No More Money for Anti-Israel Institutions

Israel’s new Attorney General, Avichai Mandleblit, green-lighted on Wednesday the controversial bill proposed by Sports and Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) that would enable the ministry to strip performing artists and cultural institutions engaging in anti-Israel behavior of government funding, Yediot Ahronot reported.

Dubbed the “loyalty law”, the bill would give the Minister of Sports and Culture the discretion to withhold public funds from any institution which displays clear and deliberate disrespect for the State of Israel.

Among the criteria listed which could disqualify a cultural institution from receiving government funds are desecration or disrespectful behavior towards the Israeli flag or other state symbols, incitement to racism, incitement to terrorism, rejection of Israel as a Jewish democratic state, and public displays of mourning on Israeli Independence Day.

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  1. Israel is the only real racist State.
    It's racism simply favors the only real good race.

  2. Moderator loves Israel


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