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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

NEW POLL: Most Women Oppose Having to Register for the Draft

Some conservatives believe that imposing draft registration on women is survivable policy and good politics—and there are plenty of others who disagree with them. Those who favor allowing the change to happen tend to see the issue as another culture war the GOP is destined to lose, harming Republicans at the ballot box and stealing oxygen from more important matters. Either way, it’s a hot issue on the right: Just within the last 24 hours, one prominent Republican Senator has come out for registering women, while another has said he’s introducing a bill to stop any such thing from happening.

And now, Rasmussen has released a survey that provides some clarity and basis for political calculation. The headline figure: Only 38 percent of likely female voters support the proposed new requirement, while just over half oppose it.

More here


  1. But I thought most women wanted to equals with men? They scream about not getting equal pay, equal promotions, blah blah blah and this...can not make every one happy.

    Btw, I am a female, mom of 4

  2. You wanted the right and now that you got it it comes with responsibility. Time to sign up ladies.

  3. I do think they should register . What happened to Equal Rights?

  4. Typical. The libitards ruin everything with moral standings. Good for everyone BUT THEMSELVES! !

  5. Shave their heads and spend time in the mud for $8/hour. It's called humilty for love of Country, not self!

  6. Too Bad! The ship has sailed. Sign up!!

  7. Well Duh? Men don't want to be drafted either.
    someone needed to do a poll for that info?

  8. Suck it up, girls.


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