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Thursday, February 25, 2016

More than 13 Million Latinos to Vote in US Election

More than 13 million Latinos are expected to vote in November's US presidential election -- almost two million more than in 2012 -- according to a study released Tuesday.

The total could be even higher depending on which candidates the Republican and Democratic parties nominate and how effectively they reach out to the increasingly influential Latino community, said the report from the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO).

Latinos are already affecting voting patterns in some swing states such as Colorado, and NALEO executive director Arturo Vargas said no one camp could claim to own their loyalty.



  1. Question is, how many have the legal right to vote, and how many don't but will vote anyway...as many times as possible.

  2. Answer is, we Citizens need to outnumber them so Trump can get in and STOP this invasion, which is exactly what it is.

    He and Carson are the ONLY 2 saying this out loud, and maybe Kasich, but the MSM is muffling him because they want their own crooks in office.

    Holy crap, folks, get on this and stay on it!

    The fact that the MSM is doing this is proof enough.

  3. Lots of luck with that 7:19. Look at the bright side soon you can appeal for minority status and all those benefits.

  4. 7:19 I and all my friends and family are supporting Trump. He is the only shining light we've had in years to put some common sense back into government.

  5. as long as they're legal & registered, there's no problem.


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