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Friday, February 05, 2016

Montgomery Co. preparing to house Syrian refugees

WASHINGTON — As controversy surrounds the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States, one D.C. area county is preparing to accept some of those looking to escape parts of the war-torn Middle East.

“I think we have a public perception problem when it comes to refugees,” Councilman Craig Rice said during a session of the Montgomery County Health and Human Services Committee.

The panel sought input from organizations on helping refugees resettle and how to reassure residents who may be concerned about taking in individuals from Syria.

Concerns have been raised on a national level about the vetting process and its ability to screen dangerous people.



  1. Great. Now make every taxpayer in Montgomery County pay for their keep. And just who voted to accept these people? Or perhaps the Montgomery Council had no choice because the representatives have no balls to vote against it.

  2. Shouldn't suprise anyone.

  3. Vote the council OUT.

  4. It's all about the money

  5. Idiots, every one of them, for accepting them here. And you really think these refugees are going to stay right in Montgomery County? No, No, and No. They are nomads, they will be roaming all over Maryland, including this Eastern Shore. Damn that council.

  6. Thought Hogan denied taking in Refugees. What happened here? Did he cave to the Feds. He shouldn't cave, his constituents have said nay.

  7. Offer your thanks to Miller and Busch. They are over riding Hogan on everything. They are pushing new taxes on Marylanders to pay for more services for these people. Medical, Education, Housing, Public assistance and more. They will be making $60 / $70 thousand a year and not pay taxes off the struggling middle class tax payers. They will send this money out of the US. This is not counting the criminals that will expand the gang problem / drug problem.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Great. Now make every taxpayer in Montgomery County pay for their keep. And just who voted to accept these people? Or perhaps the Montgomery Council had no choice because the representatives have no balls to vote against it.

    February 5, 2016 at 5:57 PM

    They are all Democrats what do you expect. Take your money and give it to someone else so they can feel compassion.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Idiots, every one of them, for accepting them here. And you really think these refugees are going to stay right in Montgomery County? No, No, and No. They are nomads, they will be roaming all over Maryland, including this Eastern Shore. Damn that council.

    February 5, 2016 at 7:29 PM

    They will be headed to Ocean City to rape the bikini clad daughters of us tax paying Americans.

  10. Why are we the american people forced to fund our own demise?

  11. It won't be just Montgomery County residents paying the bill.

  12. Why not? Half the residents are terrorists.

  13. Nonononononononononono ad infinitum. Dam busch & miller. GET RID OF THEM!and the refugees.

  14. Million man armed march on Montgomery county.


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